punishment for fasting in Iran!

Fasting was punishable in ancient Iran. They used to say: A hungry person has no will and power to think.
It was also ordered to always have food in the house.
See Avesta-Vandidad, Book of Zoroastrian Religion.
M. Hassan Baygan

Zelensky’s retreat against America means the surrender/defeat of Europe!

If Zelensky, this Zionist Jew, wants to give Ukraine to America for free to mediate peace with Russia!  So why doesn’t he directly enter into peace negotiations with Russia so that Ukraine remains?
So, it is clear that Zelensky was the agent of the Zionists from the beginning to the end and started the war with Russia for their interests.

However, Russia will not return the territories it took.
Banks and American capitalists have bought a large amount of land in Ukraine with very small amounts, after the war, they may get hundreds of billions of dollars by selling it several tens of times.  And of course they will sell those lands to the Jews to create a second Israel there.

Europe showed that it is nothing more than a colony and there is no independence, freedom, democracy, human rights, etc. in any colony.  Everything is in the hands of the colonizer.  And all laws, culture and economy are also for his benefit.

Zelensky’s statements yesterday about apologizing to Trump and preparing to go to America and sign a contract to deliver Ukraine’s mines to America show that Europe sees itself as weak and defeated in front of America.
America itself is a colony of a few capitalists.

If the US signs a mining contract with Ukraine and somehow becomes the owner of Ukraine, then it must protect them against Russia and take back even the amount that Russia took.  So, he no longer needs Russia in this deal as a means of intimidation, and if he allows the war with Russia to continue, even more fierce than before, it will not be surprising at all.  Of course, this time the costs of the war will be borne by Europe.

But in the next stage, America wants Russia to suppress China and Iran.  And after beating China and Iran, it goes to Russia.
Then a few big capitalists of America will be the king of the whole world.
  Will this plan (clash of civilizations) which was proposed by the Zionist Jews a few decades ago and was defeated by Iran and Russia in Syria, win this time?  Or will Iran, China, Russia and their accompanying countries defeat that plan by working together?!
  But they (the Eastern Front) need a strategic alliance and united cooperation to defeat America, otherwise they will simply be broken one by one.
Russia, China, Iran and their neighbors have never come together in a serious and organized manner (like NATO) to act in a unified, coordinated and planned manner.  This is their biggest weakness or mistake, without which the possibility of their victory is very low.  All the effort of America is to prevent this happening or practical unity between them.
  Don’t be afraid to publicly create a copy of NATO among yourselves like the West and save the world from the danger of destruction and enslavement without huge costs.
– Meanwhile, the role of Zionist Jews within the Russian government in supporting Israel and America should not be ignored.  The Soviet communist revolution was made by the Jews, they killed the tsar!  They killed and defamed Rasputin!  And they destroyed the socialist Soviet Union.
Finally, even though Europe agreed to accept the agreement between Zionist Zelensky and the United States, the alarm bell has sounded and now even the least intelligent Europeans have understood that they are nothing more than a colony and must somehow be freed from this bond.  This is where even if they accept failure, they will monitor the situation.
It is interesting that the best and perhaps the only way to get rid of American colonialism, especially in this situation, is to go to Russia, Iran and China.
This is where the complexity created by the capitalists ruling the West becomes apparent.
  And that the basis of work means that there is no savior human philosophy in the West and all their rulers and rich people are religious.
My philosophy is the way to save mankind.

What will happen to Arab sheikhs!
If America’s plan goes completely, then it will easily take those “several thousand billion dollars” from the Arab sheikhs who are in American banks, and worse than that, it will treat the weak Arab sheikhs with the same humiliating treatment that happened to Zelensky (Europe), and it will easily force them to pour their money into the American account, and of course, it will increase their other investments in America as well.  This will greatly help the American economy.

March 5, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M.  Hassan Baygan

Western countries, shut up!

At least now that Trump has clearly shown the whole world that Europe is a colony, keep quiet!
Because there is no independence, freedom, democracy, human rights, etc. in any colony.
So don’t disgrace yourself more and don’t claim democracy, human rights, freedom, etc.

March 5, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Bridges between America and Europe are broken one after another!

Last Friday, Trump tried to humiliate and crush Zelensky and Europe in a completely strange and unconventional political debate.  This increased the gap/contradiction between America and Europe.  Trump broke some of the main bridges, and then Europe started breaking more bridges, and Trump continued to break.  And this continues forever.  In this short period of time, the issue is so tied and the demands of both sides are so far from each other that it seems very difficult to solve it.

March 4, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M.  Hassan Baygan

If there is no compulsion in Islam!

Why did Muhammad take a sword and first kill his family, relatives and fellow citizens to accept him and then go to others? After him, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, etc. followed his path and killed millions of people to accept Islam or to give money (the results of their hard work)?
Muhammad laid the first stone of coercion and murder to accept Islam. Islam was started from the very beginning by Muhammad with politics and war to gain power and wealth. And now, instead of arguing and proving the truth of their views, his followers kill each other on the charge of infidels, but they do not even show any reaction to the killing of Muslims by Jews and Christians.
Do you know why they are not willing to introduce their Islam to others through discussion and without war?
Because they don’t have any logic and reasonable reasoning to prove it, and if they sit down to discuss, all those baseless thoughts will be destroyed, so the powerful Muslims promote war and hatred towards each other to divert the public opinion of Muslims.

February 27, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

America’s cultural influence on Europe!

– I came to Sweden in February 1989.  Few knew English.  When I went to stores, some sellers were happy to find someone to speak English with and learn this language, but now almost everyone knows English well.
– In the same year 1989, I went on a trip to Germany to meet my brother and his family. I asked people on the street for their address several times, even young people, but they said harshly in German: German, German.  And they didn’t care at all when I said that I am a tourist and I don’t know German, but now they speak English with pride and I see in my travels that their English is good.
– Five-six years ago, I went to Ukraine. They didn’t know English from the age of about 30 and up, and the younger they got, the better their English got. As a result, if I had a question, I would go to the young people.
– About 24 years ago, I was working in the Uppsala commune. I shared a room with a very sweet Swede. He said: Olaf Palme (he had Jewish roots), the socialist prime minister of Sweden was against America and did not allow American culture to enter Sweden. As a result, America had stationed a warship near Stockholm and broadcast radio programs and only American music from there.
Maybe America killed Ulf Palme because of his opposition to America???
– After coming to Sweden, we soon found relations with some good Swedes.  They complained why TV only shows American movies which are far from our culture.  Why don’t Australian, Canadian and European films that show good family aspects?  These American films are immoral!

And over time, it reached a point where America conquered everything, including the culture of Sweden and Europe.

Now these days, with the completely humiliating behavior of America (led by or as Trump’s spokesperson), it showed these blind and deaf slaves (Europe) that they were nothing more than a colony.  and forced them to move for independence and freedom.

Now is the time for Europe to deal with American colonial culture.

And this is where other countries also understand the meaning of cultural invasion.

In the West, every time a piece of music is played by a media, a certain amount must be paid to the singer and that company.  It is from here that Western singers (America) have so much wealth and the money that should be given to European artists goes to America.

February 25, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M.  Hassan Baygan

Sanction limit! Sanctioning countries has a limit!

America has sanctioned several countries, now if it sanctions Europe with this recent method, then it must be said that America has sanctioned itself and isolated itself in the world.
The story is changing. The news indicates that finally the Europeans (after several years that I always wrote and was punished for it in Sweden) realized that they have become a colony of America and should strive for independence; As a result, they are making decisions regarding the European army and the strengthening of the euro against the dollar, that is, de-dollarization, and apparently they are moving fast in this direction.
The new German government (after yesterday’s election) also intends to confront America seriously. Maybe that’s why the Germans voted for this party the most?

I wrote several years ago and it is on my website: America is bankrupt, but the one who keeps it is its main enemy, China. Because if America declares bankruptcy, several thousand billion dollars of Chinese creditors will be lost.
For some time now, China has started selling US bonds. So we have to wait and see what will happen to America when China clears its duty with these papers.
It is clear that: so far, China has not let the American sanctions return to itself, but with the sale of American bonds, there is no longer any reason to keep America standing. As a result, if only China sanctions America, the whole of America will collapse. If European sanctions against the US and other sanctioned countries are added to China’s embargo, then guess what the situation in America will be like.

These points should be considered when analyzing the economic-political situation of the countries of the world, especially the determinants (Iran is decisive, but the likes of Saudi Arabia with so much wealth are not decisive).

February 24, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

The explosion of the European gas pipeline or the war of civilizations!

During the war in Ukraine, the United States suddenly blew up the Russian gas pipeline to Europe.
Was this explosion a plan of the Zionist Jews ruling America and their intention was to destroy Gaza and make the people there migrate and become the owner of the place and as a result get the ownership of the gas field there and sell that gas to Europe and…
Wasn’t that plan another way to achieve world domination or another form of war of civilizations proposed by the Zionist Jews?

February 23, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Are Russia, China and Iran playing America!

Perhaps all the analyzes (including my own) have been based on the fact that by giving Russia a few concessions, the United States puts it against Europe and takes concessions from Europe as well. On the other hand, it puts Russia against China, and China falls short under pressure. Iran, which is the last link or the key to complete power for America, will be forced to retreat due to America’s promises to China and Russia and not having a supporter, and as a result, America will become the undisputed ruler of the world. Something similar to the theory of the war of civilizations that some Zionist Jews presented a few years ago.
Let’s look at it from the angle that Russia and China are also familiar with this story.  So they are playing America and now they have put America and Europe face to face and for this reason they have weakened both of them and after taking points from America, they are emptying America’s feet.

Iran is still not completely weak and unsupported, and there are still forces in the region that Iran has influence over. Iran also plays a role in Sudan with the cooperation of Russia, and of course it has common interests with Russia and China in many countries. It means that it is an important link in this alliance that if Iran breaks, the two countries and others around them will also suffer a severe defeat.

The role of Shanghai Security Union and BRICS should not be ignored.

At the same time, America has made everyone its enemy and has created a peak of mistrust among the countries of the world towards itself.

Politics is a checkerboard in which all the countries of the world have a role in any way, and every move may be beneficial or detrimental to friends and enemies.
In politics, there are neither friends nor enemies, at the same time, everyone is a friend and everyone is an enemy.

February 23, 2025
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

The Western bloc fell apart! Now every country should think of a new program and a new friend and enemy!

I mentioned the division within the West a few years ago, and now Trump has announced the end of it. My reference started exactly when the West was defeated in Syria by Iran and Russia. The plan of the Zionists was to bring Daesh (ISIS) in the region and changes in the political geography of the countries, which was defeated by Iran and Russia. As a result, the Freemasons and other forces set out to reclaim the world power that had been taken from them by the Zionist Jews.
The war in Gaza had also reached a point where Israel was at a standstill and was nearing its end (Hezbollah’s fierce attacks were quickly moving into Israeli cities and as a result the normal life of the people was completely destroyed). Or a big and global war should have taken place.
The war in Gaza was tied to the war in Ukraine.
So these changes in their rotations reached this very sensitive stage now.
The world is a chess game whose players are all the countries of the world and every move can affect friends and enemies. I must remind that:
In politics, there are neither friends nor enemies, at the same time, everyone is a friend and everyone is an enemy. So there is no time between friend and enemy and it can happen at any moment.
The rift in the West that I wrote about included the rift between Europe and America, the rift within America itself, the rift within Europe, the rift within the Zionist Jews ruling the whole of the West, and as I emphasized a few months ago, this rift turned into a contradiction.

The countries outside the western bloc that had attached themselves to this bloc, or Iran, in whose sovereignty a group stopped everything in the country until Iran became dependent and a colony of the west; They should make a new plan for their countries.

February 20, 2025
Tangier – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan