Unexpected visits

Hassan Baygan


Every time I go any country, suddenly some were it comes some one of very high level professor eller journalist or… to me.

They try to talk with me about politic, religion or philosophy in highest level. I know these people are from their Intelegent Service or even from CIA or MUSAD how ever they try to show that was not planed to se me but just accedently happend in street or…

I am familier with these things now.

This time i Philipine happend maney times and I know which one was working for which country or intelligent Service.

I talk to them as I am and I talk to any one any were about my Philopsophy and how I think and criticising any things if neccery in disscution. I have noting to hide and I am not afraid of any one of them. Alla of them at best can be my servant.

The philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan