The threat of war is a crime!

Now that the United States and Israel are threatening a military attack on Iran, it is the duty of the Iranian government to complain to the United Nations and other international organizations, etc.

The threat of war, which disrupts the normal life of people and is a psychological war, is considered a crime, just as the threat of murder is a crime and should be prosecuted and punished, and in this case, the threat of nuclear attack is the biggest anti-human threat.

February 9, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Two stories from a recent trip!

1- In one of the countries of Central Asia, two immigration officials (from two different countries who knew Persian) came to the cheap hostel where I was staying; A few Iranians who were there were a little worried, but I told them; Don’t worry, these are because of me. The agents started talking with me for a few days in an apparently normal and friendly way. They had a high university education and were men of age and quite a lot of experience. My answer, which is always and everywhere frank and without fear of anything, excited them. When I told about the Russian Revolution, how the Jewish capitalists did it to destroy the power of Freemasonry and the kings of the West, and how they destroyed the region and their countries, and now how these Jews are interfering in their countries, they kissed my face several times and even wanted to kiss my hand, but I never allowed them. They thanked me for the fact that I met the professors of their universities and saved them from the chains of false philosophers of the West and taught them the right way of thinking and the right philosophy. They knew those professors and named some of them as their professors.
2- I went to Türkiye from Central Asia. Again, in that cheap hostel, one of the special agents of the presidency was from one of the Central Asian countries (of course not from the two countries that I wrote about in the first case). After talking a few times, he finally said that after my meeting with the professors and the head of the humanities department, they went there to check/inspect/research and of course they also saw my book and got to know its content. He took my hand warmly and said that I am very happy and proud to meet you. It means that the presidency of that country was aware and pleased with my philosophy. And certainly, like other Central Asian countries, they teach my philosophy.

If Shams Tabrizi influenced only one person (Rumi), I will never know the number of people who have been influenced by my thoughts. Even these two or three days, when I talked with some professors for just a few minutes at the University of Rabat (the capital of Morocco) and the National Library, their previous world collapsed and they proudly wanted to take pictures with me. One of them even said that your life is in danger from the Jews with these words and thoughts. I said: I know the sentence of death and murder myself seven times, but a real philosopher must be the bravest of people, otherwise he censors himself and is nothing, just like the so-called philosophers of the West who are liars and servants of Jewish capitalists. It is not without reason that almost all these false philosophers are Jews; Jewish capitalists translate their anti-rational and anti-philosophy books into various languages, and with this means they brainwash you and earn good money. All these people confirmed my words without any doubt and thanked me for these words.

February 8, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Those who have iron fists, killed enemies with friendship!

My father told us this Iranian proverb to beware of enemies in the face of friends.
In the last few decades, it was also evident that whenever the West wanted to seriously attack a country, it showed a very friendly face in those days. For example, when they wanted to overthrow the Shah of Iran, when they wanted to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi, etc., and now Trump, who surpasses Erdogan and Turkey in lying and changing his words and face, should be seen in this proverb.

February 6, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Canadian French and the story of Canada’s unity with America!

A few million people in Canada are basically French and still consider themselves French and have internal problems with English speakers and the English language in Canada.
Now, if even Canada agrees to go under the American flag, these people will find the situation suitable for complete separation and becoming an independent country.
Where does the story of Trump’s words originate?
England was a world power until the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, the Zionist Jews broke the power of Freemasonry with the communist revolution in Russia and the communistization of several European countries, and by dominating America and several other programs, they themselves became the first dominator of the world. Until the rest of the plans of the Zionist Jews were defeated by Iran and Russia about twelve years ago in Syria, and from there, Freemasonry and the Kingdom of England were proud to rule the world, and among other things, they demanded the division of America and getting the rich part of that country.
Now that the situation in the region has changed again, Trump wants Canada to retaliate for England’s actions in America.
Canada and Australia are part of the “Commonwealth” and in a kind of governorship under the supervision of England.

In this situation, if Iran, China and other non-western countries behave a little with wise policy, the internal conflict of the west will disintegrate there.

February 4, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Moroccan people love Iran!

Moroccan people love Iran very much for two reasons:
1- Its great history.
2- Resistance against the oppression of Western colonialists and Israel.

Just now I came to the bus station to go to Rabat, the ticket seller happily told everyone that this is Iranian. He shakes my hand hard. I saw a lot of this example.
February 3, 2025
Marakesk – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

The only people who can kill the same person or kingdom twice!

In the Old Testament, in the story of Esther, after Haman, the nearest minester of the king of Iran, and his sons were killed at the request of Esther, the next day, Esther again begged them to be killed again!!!

In the present era, the Shah of Iran was dismissed by Israel and the West, but they denied everything, and on the contrary, for several years, they proposed the weak-willed and weak-minded son of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (as Shah) a replacement for the current Islamic government of Iran. But with the plans they implemented for him, they killed him and killed the Kingdom for the second time so that they never left any chance to reign in Iran.

Kingdom (of Israel) seekers!
Judaizing Reza Pahlavi and his complete disregard not only for the Ayatollahs but also for the whole of Islam, which of course is interpreted as an insult to Islam, the Ayatollahs and Muslims, has left no chance for him and only – the monarchy of the Israelis – in They are with him. That is, those who want him to reign over Iran are Israel and the Jews who basically want Israel to reign over Iran.

February 4, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

What is the real Azerbaijan in history?

Türkiye and the country of Azerbaijan, which claim that the country of Azerbaijan and the provinces of Azerbaijan in Iran were one country; If they can provide even one historical document among the hundreds of historical and geographical books written from a few hundred years ago until now, in which this word is mentioned.
But on the other hand, in all these books, Azerbaijan (Azerbaygan) is the same region, which is completely mountainous. That area was called Baku, Shirvan, and Aran (which means a flat land located in the middle of a mountain); At the beginning of the Soviet communist regime, they changed its name to Azerbaijan to create the same problem of misunderstanding and political problems between countries.

Now, if the leaders of Azerbaijan really have character and value for their country and themselves, the wise thing is to go instead of following this obvious lie and find their real name, which also shows the history of that country, among the few names I mentioned. do

For complete information about the history of Aran (the country Azerbaijan), refer to Professor Inayatullah Reza’s detailed and valuable research book and my few articles on my site!

January 3, 2025
Marakesk – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Friends and enemies in politics!

There are neither friends nor enemies in politics. At the same time, everyone is a friend and everyone is an enemy.

So neither Trump, nor any head of state or government anywhere in the world should be trusted 100%.

January 26, 2025
Essouire – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Hacker methods!

Spies, saboteurs, and big thieves in situations like Iran pretend to be pure and superstitious Islam more than others, such as the head of the central bank who stole billions of dollars and went to Canada, the center of Baha’is, and before leaving, he was in investment relations with Zionist Jews. That is, everything was planned with the help of Israel.
Now see who else is overly strict in various matters, including social issues (especially women).

January 27, 2025
Al Suira – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Iranian proverb:

So-and-so (Trump) makes a hundred knives, not even one of them has a handle.
Interpretation: It means that all the words of that person are lies and fraud and he cannot be trusted at all.

January 27, 2025
Essouire – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan