Comparing humans with fish!

Do fish know about fire?
Do fishes know about fruits, animals, plants, etc. on earth?
Do the fish know that humans catch them, grill them and eat them out of the water?
Do Pisces have any idea of ​​human life with houses and cars and telephones and…?
Do pisces know that there is a sun that the earth revolves around and a moon that revolves around the earth and that we have a solar system with many stars and planets?
Do fish have the slightest idea of ​​what is out of water?

On the other hand, air is the most important thing for humans and without it we die in less than a few minutes, but can fish survive in this (very good) air outside the water? Or is this weather bad for them?

What is the condition of humans?
In the same way, we never know where we live and what our limits are! We only know that if we go out of the atmosphere a few tens of kilometers higher, we will be destroyed in the shortest time.
We do not know whether, like the fishes of the sea, we are in a confined space, and beyond it we have absolutely no knowledge.

We do not know that if the human discovery is correct in the universe of 14 billion light years, we have reached the point at this stage where we are leaving the sea and entering an environment that is comparable to the life of fish inside the sea and outside it.

We don’t know if the table of elements expands outside our environment and how much? We don’t know if the speed range will be the same as the speed of light or more so that the speed of light is considered a low speed?
We don’t know what the physical and chemical laws will be like in that environment outside our scope.

So admitting ignorance is wisdom and trying to prove what we don’t know is pure stupidity.

Therefore, those who sanctify the baseless and unreasonable words of people centuries ago and call books heavenly; or they are charlatans to deceive people who are naive or stupid at worst; or in this second category, i.e. idiots; Now, the higher the academic degrees in humanities, the higher their level of stupidity.

October 18, 2024
Balakchi – Kyrgyzstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

A debate in stupid, ignorant and crazy!

Why Christians and Jews are the stupidest people in the world!
In the world, there is no ignorant person in the absolute sense, because there is no absolute ignorance, and each human being has awareness, knowledge, and reason in many cases, and they organize their lives by them. Even in the least intelligent people, you can see highlights.
Knowledge, consciousness or reason exists among all kinds of animals as well.
Even all the globes and galaxies have the same order that can be called knowledge or intelligence.
On the other hand, humans are ignorant in many cases, that is, they have no knowledge of many matters or points or sciences… and most importantly, they have no knowledge of existence.
A proverb says: All people know everything.
Years ago, I showed its big and fundamental mistake in an article, the truth of which is as follows: everything that all people know, all people know.
That is, all mankind does not know everything in the world, but all the people on earth know things that may be billions billions billions less compared to what exists in the world and they do not know. I mentioned earlier that my knowledge about the world is so little that I am not even able to give a number for it. And of course, all human beings cannot give a numerical answer to this lack of knowledge.
On the other hand, what everyone knows, a single person knows very little of it, for example, each of the medical, engineering, agricultural, human sciences… they are so broad that there is not even a single person who knows all of one part of a field. to know

Ignorance is not a big fault! Not admitting ignorance is a big fault!

There is no reasonable reason for anyone to try to know all the sciences, languages, foods, plants, stones, etc. in the world and worry about being called ignorant.
Wise people themselves readily admit their ignorance to many questions, but fools are the opposite.

In all societies, an average level of knowledge is considered for people, if those are lower than that level and cannot solve normal daily problems, they are considered to be mentally retarded or insane and at one point, they are considered crazy. Although it is possible for anyone to experience instant or momentary insanity and not be able to distinguish right from wrong and perform crazy actions, but after a while they return to normal. But crazy cannot be returned. A madman has a mental problem (problem in the brain) to learn.

But the story of stupid people is something else!
It is stupidity when people judge and blame each other in discussions.
Those people who do not admit their ignorance in discussions about things they do not know and insist on answering, are the most stupid.

Contrasting philosophy with religion and its relationship with stupidity!
Philosophy is based on discussion to reach a reasonable and logical conclusion without presuppositions. Philosophy does not determine the end of the discussion from the beginning and does not try to reach that point.
Contrary to philosophy, the basis of the discussions of religion is to place points (books, people, and words) in advance, which in the most famous religions place a creator and a book or writing or words, and the result of all their discussions must be attributed to that God, that book. and reach people. This is stupid!
The creation as described in the Semitic and Zoroastrian religions was the result of the baseless thoughts of people a few thousand years ago who did not have the least knowledge about the world and the vastness of the universe, so with the amount of intellect they had, they said things that now with the least thought, they are baseless. Simplicity is realized. But those people who are not ready to see these points and reject these books and follow those baseless words and despite all the possibilities to reject those thoughts, they are nothing more than fools.
But people who use these religions for personal gain and power are not fools but charlatans.

Stupidity is not universal, that is, there is no person who is stupid in all cases, but people are all wise in most cases. But since religion has taken control of people’s lives, believing in those books, writings and people (religious leaders) is the greatest folly.
The worst thing is that these books and people play an important role in human life and have caused the death of tens of millions and the misery of hundreds of millions of people. The war between different religions and the war between different sects of each religion has caused death and misery for ordinary people and money and power for religious and political leaders, which we are witnessing even now.

Meanwhile, the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament are the worst of all. The book of the Old Testament (the first 5 books are also known as the Torah) is full of crimes that people should be ashamed of and withdraw from.
The book of the New Testament (also known as the Bible) due to lies, and especially that in two cases in the books of Matthew and Mark, Jesus Christ called all peoples dirty dogs and considered only the Jews as human beings, should be considered as the foundation of what is worse than It is racism, it should be rejected.
So, in this era, when in Europe, America and other Christian countries (Canada, Australia…) there are the most facilities to study and investigate these anti-human words, but there are people who spend their time on Christianity and Judaism and cannot read these words. They see the completely unreasonable and express their distance. They are the stupidest people who live in a stylish and modern appearance with a house, life, car, etc. with the best standards, but their intellect is several thousand years behind and corrupt. And on the other hand, with their support, which is rooted in these religions, they ruin the lives of others in the service of Christian and Zionist political and religious leaders.
Meanwhile, some change their religion and claim that they accepted the new religion knowingly (in old age and not childhood). While this change has never been done with reasonable reasons and proper study, and they have sealed their stupidity.
One of the most stupid things said by the Semitic religions is to determine a holy land, which they launched a massive Crusade (Christian) war to dominate it a thousand years ago. And now the Zionist Jews have done so and have kicked out the residents for several thousand years, and the Zionist Christians, who consider themselves dogs in the service of the Jews based on the New Testament, support these crimes.

Admitting the lack of knowledge in existence is reason. Trying to prove existence by religions is complete stupidity.

October 16, 2024
Balakchi – Kyrgyzstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Did Hassan Nasrallah fall from revolutionary passion?

After the Hamas attack on October 7, 2023, the world was waiting for Hassan Nasrallah’s speech and expected that he would excite everyone with his fiery speech and mobilize many forces and prepare for a major attack on Israel. But his speech was not like that and it was cold water on the emotions, although pressure was applied on Israel, but it was not what was expected. Even until the day he was killed, while Israel carried out severe attacks on Lebanon and killed many leaders, Hassan Nasrallah still walked with a cane. Compared to after Hassan Nasrallah, now we see that Hezbollah’s attacks have taken a serious or real form.
Had Hassan Nasrallah lost his enthusiasm after several decades of activity and had become interested in the politics of the game? Apparently so, and killing him by Israel was their big mistake, replacing the old and tired old leadership with a new, young and energetic one.

October 16, 2024
Balakchi – Kyrgyzstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

A year has passed since the battle of Gaza!

After the attack of Hamas on October 7, 2023, Israel could gain global support by pretending to be oppressed and playing politics and could have its biggest historical victory. And even through (world) political pressures colud release the prisoners and put Hamas under international pressure.
But in practice, Israel attacked Gaza and bombed and killed tens of thousands of unarmed people (children, old, young, women, men) in their homes, schools, hospitals, UN and other neutral places. It also made hundreds of thousands of ordinary people displaced and homeless.
He showed that his goal was to occupy that area and annex it to Israel. It also raised the suspicion that he may have known about the attack and deliberately allowed it to be carried out and had an excuse to kill and displace the people of Gaza and occupy it. These are completely criminal and inhuman thoughts that are rooted in money, religion and their (so-called holy) book.
Consecration of crime is worse than the crime itself!

This goal of Israel to take over Gaza was defeated by the attacks of the resistance forces and Iran’s direct support, otherwise there would be neither Gaza nor even the West Bank, and both would be in the name of Israel, and the United Nations would also accept them as annexed to Israel, and the seal of shame on the foreheads of all the inactive countries were beaten.

The internal differences of the Jews in Israel and in other countries, the internal differences in America, the internal differences between America and Europe, the internal differences in Europe, and on the other hand, the progress of the alliance between the Eastern world, will be the reason for their final defeat.

October 7, 2024
Almaty – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

The role of character in history!

The role of elite or genius in history!
Was Hassan Nasrallah one of them?
These two political terms have been discussed and studied by academicians and politicians for several decades, and it is not necessary to state them here because these people are familiar with them.
But would Hassan Nasrallah be included in one of these two, and with his removal, an irreparable blow will be inflicted on Hezbollah and the resistance movement, and as a result Iran against Israel:
1- Hassan Nasrallah may have had a high position in this party as a political person and perhaps a military person, but since he was not the founder of Hezbollah and its main supporter, he was a decisive figure in this party in the resistance movement (Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, etc.). ..) and it was not Iran’s politics. Therefore, he was not such a personality that Iran, the resistance movement or even Hezbollah would end with his removal.
2- An elite or a genius is a person who can give theories and make plans that do not fit in the thoughts of others and what he presents creates fundamental and fundamental changes in the world. Hassan Nasrallah was never in such a position.

Hezbollah and Hassan Nasrallah needed the analyzes of researchers from Iranian universities and Iranian consultants to examine the position of the world and below it, that is, in their region, so his performance was not the result of his own thoughts, so he was not an elite or a genius at all.

In this era, no country is capable of calculated movements without having big universities and educated and trained consultants in big research institutes, that is, their actions and policies and consequently their military operations are unplanned and aimless. The bigger and more advanced the universities and research institutes are, the closer their policies or works are to reality and the more likely they are to win. Backward countries are completely played.

Therefore, Hassan Nasrallah’s death, just because it was unexpected, creates a short break in the resistance plans until his successor is appointed and the plans proceed according to Iran’s policy.
It should be noted: Israel has always pointed out that Iran is at the head of this story and must be destroyed, which means that it is aware that the death of the likes of Hassan Nasrallah is not the end of the matter. But in order to reach the stage of ending Iran (the destruction of Iran), he wants to beat her first.
Maybe with the killing of Hassan Nasrallah and the military leaders of Hezbollah, there will be a change in Iran’s politics or tactics. But the essence of Iran’s policy, which is independence and synchronizing with China and Russia, is to end the unipolar system, that is, the rule of the Zionist Jews over the world, and to end the domination of the dollar, if it changes and comes on the path of accepting the power of the Zionists in the world, then maybe Apparently, Iran will get some economic prosperity, but soon the end of Iran will come and these same Zionists ruling the West will divide Iran into several parts or several countries.

The West (America, Europe, Canada, etc. and their sub-colonies, i.e. Japan, Korea, Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc.) is a colony of Zionist Jews, because no colony is independent, it is also a background for freedom, human rights. And… it doesn’t exist.

October 1, 2024
Astana – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

war has rules!

War has rules!
While Israel is considered unsafe and its people live in fear of attacks. Iranian people work and travel with peace of mind.
Now the capital of Iran is in complete security, but the capital of Israel is under the pressure of war and military attacks and complete insecurity. So Israel is in trouble and at the stage of failure. Due to the crime of killing some political and military officials, the war should not be dragged into the country.
Tourist trips in Iran are made for the collective purpose, but Israel has been closed for tourism, it is considered a war zone, and traveling there means the risk of death.
So it is Israel that has failed and is trying with all its might to drag Iran into a direct war and as a result insecurity in the cities.
In war, excitement without thought is suicide. You must act with thought. No military commander should commit military suicide under the influence of the feelings of those who have lost their loved ones.
Israel is getting the answer for its crimes daily and as it is known, it is being tortured. In order to escape from death, Israel sees the solution in bringing Iran to a direct war. But so far it has not succeeded.
Looking at the situation in the region, it can be seen that Israel has not been able to harm Yemen’s military administration, which is one of the important reasons for the long distance. But Lebanon, which is in the neighborhood, is more vulnerable, and on the other hand, it can hit Israel more.
Iraqi forces also have another function due to the distance, which is more than Lebanon and less than Yemen.
Iran is different from others because of its distance and stronger position.

The laws of war work in favor of Iran. The policy of distancing from direct war and war of attrition is better in Israel.

Syria should be prepared to recapture the Golan Heights and open a big and important front because Israel cannot fight on several fronts. It was expected that at the same time as the start of the Gaza war in which the Israeli forces were involved, Syria would take action to reclaim its land.

October 1, 2024
Astana – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

This is war between west and east!

This is not Iran’s war with Israel!
This is not Russia’s war with Ukraine!
This war is determining the power of the East and the West!
This war does not only have a military aspect, but its economic and scientific and technical aspects are not less important, if not more important.
As a result, what freedom-loving countries do to get rid of colonial rule includes getting rid of the dollar and western banks, especially most of these international banks are owned by Zionist Jews.
Another aspect is scientific progress, which is a very important point. Science in eastern countries is much weaker than in the west, and especially the internet and hi-tech are at the disposal of the west and most of America, which has even managed to subdue other western countries (Europe, Canada, Australia and their subsets such as Japan and South Korea…) to dominate
Scientific, technical, technical emancipation is more difficult than emancipation from the dominance of the dollar, but it is not impossible and requires a scientific union.
Even getting rid of the domination of the dollar requires advanced scientific techniques. Like military operations, for the current advanced wars, one must have advanced science

Unity (military, political, scientific) and common movement are needed for the East to free itself from the colonial rule of the West.

The West is under the domination of Zionist Jewish capitalists and therefore their colony. Therefore, the West must take measures for liberation, for independence and as a result political and social freedom.

October 4, 2024
Almaty – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Philosophical disaster in Kazakhstan

Philosophical disaster in Kazakhstan!
For Kazakhstan, which had one of the greatest thinkers in human history (Abu Nasr Farabi), who is known as the second teacher and introduced philosophy to Islam and the Islamic world in the best way, it is a shame that he does not have a professor of philosophy at Astana University (Nazar Bayov) and Most of his philosophy teachers and even the head of the department of philosophy are Western and Christian.
Undoubtedly, those who believe in religion are not philosophers, but at best they are philosophy teachers.
The role of philosophy in determining all policies and laws of countries is undeniable.
I wanted to talk to the professors of philosophy in this country (University of the Capital) and present my own philosophy, which is based on the creation of laws based on the culture of countries; But what can I say to those who are basically not from this country because:
My philosophy is completely logical and reasonable and is based on four foundations:
1- We don’t know anything about existence (is it matter or created or…).
Admitting ignorance is reason, trying to prove what we don’t know is irrationality or stupidity.
2- Man’s progress is due to his intellect, not by force of arms or money.
3- Laws should be based on the culture and other characteristics of each country or society.
There is no eternal law.
4- Right now, in all countries, certain rich and powerful groups rule, whose main goal is to secure their own interests. Countries should be managed by free thinkers. There can be capitalists in countries, but they should not be allowed to rule over the people through their wealth.
Capitalist countries are never independent, and as a result, there is no freedom, democracy, human rights, etc.
Western countries are colonies and accordingly there is no independence, freedom, human rights, etc.

Now, with this complete and logical philosophy, if I go to Astana University to meet philosophy professors who are religious and have a non-native nationality (Kazakhstan), what will be the result?

The entire Western government is religious and is under the control of the Zionist Jews, and they know that many people (especially in the West) have no relationship with religion, so they have tried to deceive the people through philosophy. The rulers of the West have hired people, given them the name of philosophers, and translate their books into most languages ​​of the world and teach them in universities, thereby brainwashing the people and making good money.

I have published several philosophical books and there are several hundred articles on my site. Including a book entitled “True Philosophy, False Philosophers, Why Plato Called Democracy the Worst System.” This book, which is in Persian language, is now taught in many universities around the world.
The overwhelming majority of Western philosophers are false. My philosophy is real.

Kazakhstan and every other country must find themselves, they must put aside all the anti-reason and anti-philosophy words of these false philosophers of the West (who are mostly Jews for obvious reasons) and determine the laws for their country according to my philosophy. Therefore, they should have people from their country who are philosophical, who feel the roots of their country’s culture with all their heart.

September 28, 2024
Astana – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Don’t let the pop go to Kazakistsn!

Don't let the pope go to Kazakhstan!

Honorable Chairman of the Peace and Reconciliation Palace of Kazakhstan
Miss Indira
It is a good thing that you have a center for peace in your country. But I heard your staff proudly say that twice a year the Pope of the Catholic Church comes to this facility.
Unfortunately, I must say clearly that by accepting the most ugly and anti-human words written by the Jews in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark from the language of Jesus Christ, Christians have accepted the worst possible type of anti-human thoughts, as a result of which they have become completely anti-peace and anti-reconciliation.
So it is a pity that you let the Pope of the Catholic Church into your center. I hope that if you really believe in peace, humanity and reconciliation between people, then you will not invite him and take a position with Christianity. What some others did after hearing my words and seeing my writings.
In the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, when a woman (in one is a Greek woman and in the other is a Canaanite woman) asks Christ for help to heal her daughter, Jesus Christ says:
“I came only for the Jews.”
It means that it has not come for billions of people. That is, he did not come from the God of the universe and for all the people of the world. Christ did not come for Kazakhstan, Asians, Europeans, Americans, etc.
Then he shamelessly adds:
“Only the Jews are human and the rest are dogs. They must eat the dregs of the Jews.”

First point:
A dog is a dirty animal in Judaism and Christianity. Islam (Muhammad, Qur’an and the Rashidun Caliphs) was indifferent to the dog and Zoroastrianism considers it sacred.
Second point:
The original Jews are Arabs. More than 90 percent of current Jews are Jewish.

I have filed a complaint against the Pope of the Catholic Church and the Archbishop of the Church of Sweden for accepting these anti-human and anti-peace statements to the Swedish police, and I have demanded that they be prosecuted, and I have requested that they do not allow the Pope to enter Sweden.
These words of the gospel are worse than racism. In racism, everyone is human, but some consider themselves superior. But in this very bad book, only Jews are human. It means that even you who are reading this right now are not human, even your father, mother and whole family are dogs and dirty.

In the following, I have written in political matters:
You church leaders, kings of Europe, presidents, prime ministers, western politicians and in general all the Christians you have accepted are dirty dogs, so you are not human and you cannot do anything for man and humanity, democracy, freedom, peace, human rights, but you are completely at the service of the masters and You confirm the crimes of the Zionist Jews ruling the West.

Until you Christians clarify your duty and accept that you are human, i.e. do not deny that anti-human book, you have no right to talk about humans, human rights, democracy, peace and everything related to humans.

But if the heads of churches, kings, heads of countries say that they have not seen these words or do not understand their meaning, then they should be considered the most stupid or lying people in the world. In this case, shame on the world and the people of Christian countries, who are the stupidest people who own power, wealth and sovereignty.
We are now witnessing that in the last one hundred years these religious and non-genuine Jews have started dozens of wars in the world and have killed millions of people, especially in the last one year we have seen that they have killed thousands of Palestinians. But the Christians, who consider themselves the dogs of the Jews, have remained silent.

According to the Old Testament, the entry of Jews from Egypt to Palestine was the worst genocide in human history, i.e. the killing of all people and animals (cows, dogs, etc.) in five cities and then burning them. That genocide not only does not give historical justice to the Jews, but they should be tried for it. Based on this, the inhuman occupation of the Palestinian land a few decades ago does not create the right of sovereignty for the Zionist Jews, but they must leave their land and give damages to these people.

In conclusion, I will add that I have seen the performance of churches in many countries, especially in Africa. Their role is completely colonial. Churches have become a possibility of espionage and act in such a way that when the time is right and a civil war is created, they know which people in that country have been brainwashed and are ready to fight, so weapons and logistics are provided to them and suddenly a civil war and The disintegration of that country is taking place, so that the people themselves do not know how these events happened and their country was disintegrated.

Important note:
I have published a book in English entitled “Jesus Christ and his mother Mary were not Jews, but they were Mendaeans” which after about 2000 years identifies the lies of the New Testament (Bible). This book of mine has messed up the world of Christianity and churches, including the Vatican.

Consecration of crime is worse than the crime itself!
The book of the Old Testament is a crime from head to toe, so the sanctification of that book is worse than the crimes written in it, and it causes peace and reconciliation to not be established in the world. By accepting the Old Testament and printing it at the beginning of the Bible, as well as accepting that dogs are in the service of the Jews, Christians also cooperate in the sanctification of this biggest root of crimes, and as a result, they are among the most criminal people.
I consider them human but demonic and not dogs.

Additional note:
I have written my criticisms about calling people dogs by the Bible many times and sent them to the media, churches, universities, etc. Once a professor from Armenia (the same age as me) wrote to me: Hassan, we are friends, but you are insulting me here. In a detailed critical response in about 15 pages, and of course for the public, I wrote and pointed out that it is not me who calls you a dirty dog, it is the Bible that said so, and whoever accepted Christianity accepted it, I just opened the eyes. And I destroyed the fears.
I wrote to that friend: you who have a relationship with the Armenian Church and even the Pope there, should negotiate and talk with them.

Second note:
When I introduced the book “Jesus Christ and his mother Mary were not Jews, but were Mandaeans” to the head of the library of Kharkiv University, she said: This is a book that all our professors should read. We have a relationship with the Catholic Church and we discuss with them. About this book, the professors of the universities of the world have said many, many more praises and even called it the greatest revolution in history, and the head of the Kharkiv National Library said: We have two million books on one side and this book of yours on the other side, which of course was because it is a summary of my philosophy. It was also printed at the end of the book.

September 28, 2024
Astana – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan


Israel’s cyber attacks will be against America and Europe!

The internet was used by the US military until they thought of using it for cheap and very widespread espionage. But because they deliberately left it at the disposal of private companies, the Zionist Jews ruling America gained the most position and made their agents like Bill Gates and Zaker Berry, etc. responsible for them.
On the other hand, these Zionist Jews knew that in order to control America and Europe, they must have an independent base outside of these countries, and they chose the best place with the ridiculous religious justifications of Palestine and named it Israel.
Israel is not the basis of the country, but it is the military and espionage base of the Zionist Jews so that they can safely and without fear that one day the West will be freed from the Zionist colonialism and gain its independence, and as a result, access to the spying and military apparatuses, etc. to continue with their anti-human programs. Whenever there is a possibility of their collapse, they burn or blow up everything and leave no evidence.
Therefore, Israel is their last stronghold as a base for espionage and plans to create war in the world, and the collapse of Israel will also lead to the destruction of the Zionist Jewish capitalists who rule America, Europe, etc.
It must be assured that the main center of countless servers that exist in the world is in Israel. Therefore, Israel knows all the secrets of the West very well, and it has the same control over America, Europe and other countries that it showed over Lebanon and Hezbollah.
It was not without reason that China and to some extent Russia took steps to separate from this system and some things like WhatsApp were banned in China and replaced by their own things.
Efforts were made in Iran as well, but the Western-oriented elements of Iran, who even sat in the office of the president, opposed Iran’s independence (including in the field of the Internet, etc.) (Woman, life, freedom) were also used. The slogans that came out from these Israeli spy agencies.

The West (America, Europe, Canada and their dependents) must know that they are colonies and there is no independence, freedom and human rights in any colony, but slavery.

Important supplementary point:
In the Bible, Jews have written twice from the mouth of Jesus Christ: Only Jews are human, and the rest are dirty dogs who must eat the remains of Jews. As a result, churches and Christians like kings, ministers, capitalists, etc. have accepted that they are dirty dogs in the service of Jews. These people, who are like that and are not human, are not in a position to talk about freedom, democracy, human rights, etc. until they declare that they are human and thus deny the Gospel.

September 21, 2024
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan