Who is Hamas?

Hamas are the same Palestinian people who have to fight for their homes that were taken by force because they cannot take them back with a nice language. And if the self-proclaimed policeman (who is himself a thief) cooperates with those who buy stolen goods (residents), and accuses him of being a terrorist, he should not be afraid.

I am a terrorist, but you are a murderer.

We should not be afraid of the false terms created by institutions and mercenary scientists in the service of international capitalists, and do not condemn these charlatans against science and reason with the name of philosophers and thinkers.

Everyone has the right to claim his stolen property, especially if it is his homeland.

Hamas is one of those who have taken their mother hostage and eat her milk and abuse her in any way, and no matter how hard she tries, they will not release her, and she has no choice but to reciprocate to return her mother.

October 19, 2023

Nakuru – Kenya

A true philosopher

M. Hassan Baygan


As you can see, the article was written about 12 days after October 7, 2023 because I was traveling. Of course, from the very first day (October 7), I had defended this move in favor of Hamas.

Now, after about 7 months and the genocide committed by Israel, it can be said that all the people of Gaza and many others have become Hamas. Israel showed its true face with brutal attacks and killings of the ordinary people of Gaza and created the fear of the destruction of Israel due to these inhuman actions among some Zionist Jews, and they also rose against the rule of Natan Yehu so that Israel’s existence might be preserved. .

May 18, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan