Why was Russia most worried about the death of the president and foreign minister of Iran!

In Iran, there are two clear factions facing each other.

One is an independence seeker who stands against the West with Russia, China, etc.

The other side is the Westerners who do everything to make Iran dependent and a colony of the West. So that the little capital they have gained from looting the country stays in the West.

In this global conflict, Russia and Iran have a strong military alliance and their survival depends on each other. The failure of one of these causes a severe blow to the other.

On the other hand, let’s remember that the two fronts of the war in Ukraine and Gaza are the same, and the victory or defeat of each of the forces in one front affects the other front.

Russia’s concern was and still is that if the pro-Western faction takes over the presidency like during the Rouhani period, then Iran’s support for Russia and Gaza will undergo profound changes, and as a result, Russia’s military position will change. At that time, the hope of the West will be to strengthen the internal opposition (Westernists) of Russia, which will be led by factions of Zionist Jews and Christians.

The defeat of Russia and the removal of the independent government will be accompanied by the disintegration of Russia. And of course, they will divide Iran without any doubt.

The change of government in Iran and the gaining of power by Westerners can change the balance of power in the world.

as a result:

If there was a hand in the crash of the helicopter of the president and foreign minister of Iran’s pro-independence (it is better to use pro-independence instead of anti-West), there is no one but the whole West; That means not only Israel and America but all of Europe (Sweden, Germany…), Canada and Australia.


Iran should pressure Russia not to prevent Syria from attacking Israel to retake the Golan Heights.

The rich Jews and Christian Zionist factions still have power in Russia and are putting pressure on Putin’s government, but it is a big risk for the Russian government to stand in front of Syria’s request, which somehow guarantees the survival of Israel, and its hard blow will hit Russia itself directly. .

There is a deep split within the Jews and some of them want to destroy Israel, this opportunity should not be missed.

May 28, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan