
A few hours ago, Radio Sweden said: From today, anyone in Europe who denies the Holocaust (the existence of Jewish killing sites) will be recognized as a criminal and…

The holocaust was more or less, but:

Why is research about the Holocaust stopped even in universities, while millions of historical events are still being researched in universities and many different centers? This action means that there are things in this story that they want to remain hidden, and the most doubt is that the hands of the Zionist Jews (led by the Rothschild family that founded Israel) were involved in this crime and they wanted to terrorize the European Jews who They did not want to leave Europe and go to Palestine to create Israel, they were forced to leave their home and land; And what’s worse, these Jews confiscated other people’s homes and lands and displaced the people of that land (Palestine).

It is not without reason that we now see the opposition of a large group of Jews against the Zionist Jews in the West.

The antagonism among the Jews is very high, and certainly my frank writings have given the Jewish victims of the Holocaust the awareness and courage to raise their voices against the real killers (and not the Germans).


Western governments have shown that they are only lowly servants of big capitalists.

Everything shows that Western countries are nothing more than colonies and of course: there is no freedom, democracy, human rights and humanity in any colony.

Wealth should not be confused with freedom, especially since this wealth was obtained from the looting of others and at the cost of the blood of hundreds of millions of people, and the West continues to kill and attack people and humanity.


What shows the colonialism of the West is the endless emphasis on the issue of killing Jews because:

First, they ignore other killings in those two wars and in other wars, which is the ugliest type of racism, because they shamelessly ignore other people and their killings, and no action is taken.

Second, they earn good money for compensation from the ignorant people of Germany.

Third, everyone is condemned in such a way that no one thinks of investigating the role of Zionist Jews in this crime (Holocaust) and prosecuting them.


If one day the bloody claw of the Zionist Jews is cut off from the people of the world and the opportunity for real investigation of the Holocaust (and their other crimes in all world events) arrives, then they must return all that money along with other damages.

The world was not like that and it will not be like that. Finally, one day people will find an open view of the world and humanity by following my philosophy and everything will change.

July 1, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan