A young girl who knew more about politics than the elderly!

A very interesting and strange thing happened yesterday!

Yesterday, by chance, I met a 24- years-old young girl somewhere, and anyway, that girl told about her life.

It was very interesting to me and she also found me interesting and talked a lot and I admired her. Because those who achieve high success in something know what they want from a young age and move in that direction.

First, she talked about the fact that she has her own company with about 30 horses. I said that if they are special horses, it will cost millions of Swedish crowns, which she confirmed.

She said: She made her decision when she was 14 years old and left school and entered the business.

With my questions, we got here that her father has a good business in the world, so she grew up in such an environment since childhood and received basic education from her father.

After talking about her economic success, which will give her a bright future, I said: In the western capitalist world, the system is a pyramid and has different layers, so to rise above a layer or wealth limit, the higher ups must accept and… She knew everything.

She even said clearly: All the politicians of Sweden and the West have been bought (to the extent of determining the country’s politics) and…

She knew everything I wrote years ago about politics in the West, and many so-called politicians never reached those points and thought and acted that the West is a democracy and that the parties and the government are there to serve the people, which is a lie, she expressed.

I told her: If no one knows you and you write these words somewhere, they will accuse you of conspiracy theory and call you delusional (the same accusation that the Swedish authorities gave me years ago) and at best they will call you a left-wing thinker. And I continued, but you, who grew up in a capitalist family, have learned these as basic lessons in work/business, also all those who have this level of capital are very familiar with these facts that are the tools of their work.

Of course, I said things that I was sure she didn’t know, and even her father didn’t know, and she admitted that she was never familiar with these kinds of political issues in Sweden and the world because it was above their level of capital (the layer they were in).

She said: She will definitely buy my book about “Jesus Christ not being Jewish” and discuss it with her family.

If anyone wants to know the world and the realities of the West, they can read my writings on my site or in my books.

In the title of one of my articles that I published in a book, I wrote:

Two groups of people shout to defend democracy:

  1. Those who want to deceive people.
  2. Those who have been deceived by the first category.

July 27, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan