The most important tips for starting a relationship with the West!

A true Iranian proverb says: No wise person is bitten by the same hole (there is a snake in that hole).

But unfortunately, it can be seen that in the foreign policy of many countries, especially Iran, they have been repeatedly bitten by the same hole.

If we don’t want to go too far, in the last few decades, it has been seen many times in the world that the West, led by United States, apparently reached peace with a country, but immediately destroyed that country, or dismembered it, or demanded huge financial damages. Examples Libya, North Korea, Iran Sudan and …

I will tell the whole story short with a simple example.

Now Yemen has attacked American, Israeli and British ships. I say with confidence that if the West ever steps forward to reconcile with Yemen, as soon as the first steps are taken and the pressures on Yemen and its friends are removed; The West will demand compensation for all the ships and other damages to Israel’s ports, etc. and will take them.

They will do this with others who seek reconciliation with the West, such as Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Nicaragua, etc., and they will do it with some (such as Iran).

What is the solution?

It should not be allowed to be bitten from the same hole for the umpteenth time. If there is going to be reconciliation with the West, there are several important points:

  1. From the very beginning, one should act like the West and with the same thoughts. That is, one should never trust the colonialist West. This is the most important point.
  2. Look for them to take the first steps to give points. Then, by taking each point, give a point that is never more than their point.
  3. In the contracts, their responsibility and the losses they have incurred should always be stated. And to demand compensation. For example, the wars they have started and caused financial and human losses.
  4. Do not turn your back on old friends in difficult times. Always keep them. The alliance between non-western friends must never be broken, that’s what they want, or you will lose everything.
  5. Get rid of those who show weakness in negotiations with the colonialist West.

I have a point that I have written many times and it should be heard:

There are neither friends nor enemies in politics!

At the same time, everyone is a friend and everyone is an enemy!

Another thing I mentioned earlier:

That patch they apply and say: you believe in conspiracy theory and they suffocate others with it; It is one of the most absurd words. Politics is all a conspiracy. The West is suffocating others (naives who are the majority of people in politics) with this ridiculous conspiracy.

August 2, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan

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