Zionist Palestinians!

   For some time now, I have been dealing with Palestinians who, whenever they talk about Israels crimes, turn the story against Iran in any way.

   A short time ago, a short video was produced and broadcast by Iran, in which a Palestinian with a very neat posture and a tie was attacking Iran with all his might and excitement on one of the televisions saying, “Leave us, what do you want from us” and…

   Today, Saturday, after the march and speech ceremony, I spoke with a Palestinian friend who came from Gaza a few years ago. A third Palestinian person who was there and whom I did not know said: Iran killed Haniyeh. It is all Iran’s fault. Iran and Israel are hand in hand. and just gone.

    I talked to some other Palestinian friends about these kinds of people, and they all said that they are mostly residents of the West Bank and supporters of Mahmoud Abbas. I said treason and espionage are from these people, just today when a Hamas commander was killed by Israel in the West Bank, his car must have been marked by them and… they also confirmed that some of them are ignorant and some are agents because their budget It comes from Israel.


   About 40 years ago, an article was leaked that in the Soviet Union (it was still the Soviet Union), a substance was applied to the entryway of ambassadors and prominent or special Western people at the airport, which was rubbed on them when they passed, and as a result, they went everywhere without realizing it. It is emitted from their clothes and body and thus their location is determined. This story has become normal among politicians and everyone knows it.

Even two or three decades ago, when some Palestinian people in their cars were targeted by Israeli planes, it was because of these substances that this time they were hit by Israeli agents. According to a friend from an Arab country who used to be in a high security position in his country; It is enough to rub the material on the car with just one finger, his tracks will be marked everywhere and they will destroy him in the right position.

If Hamas and Iran didn’t do anything!

1-Now everyone knows that Hamas in Gaza did not inform even those who were outside Gaza, even Ismail Haniyeh, and Iran was also unaware.

But what would happen if Hamas did nothing?

In this case, the plans would proceed according to the plan of America and Israel, which means that after a while, all relations with Israel would be normalized, and soon Israel would transfer Gaza and the Western Strip to itself, and the story of Palestine would completely end. This means that there is no longer a country called Palestine with that great old history in the world.

2- Hamas started something and Israel started physical destruction of Palestine and general killing and genocide.

But what would have happened if Iran had not come to the aid of Hamas and had not entered the war campaign through proxy forces such as Hezbollah, the Yemenis, and the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces and had not engaged a large force from Israel?

By the way, this could be one of the views that Israel had on the matter; Maybe that’s why he didn’t do anything if he was aware of the Hamas attack; Rather, he killed his own citizens by helicopter in order to deceive the world to attack and destroy Gaza and Palestine.

Yes, maybe Israel knew that Hamas would do this and was under the impression that Iran did not know and that is why it was angry with Hamas and did not enter the war, or that it never had the courage to engage with Israel. As a result, Israel safely plowed Gaza.

So, if it wasn’t for the movement of Hamas and the support of Iran, there would be no sign of Palestine now, and as a result, there would be no demonstrations!

What was the role of Arab countries?

Not only did they not help the Palestinians, but they cooperated with Israel.

Turkey was the same and even cooperated with Israel and sent logistical aid (weapons, food and fuel) to Israel.

But now it can be seen that these countries have changed their faces and methods, which clearly shows the failure of Israel’s plans. And those who see this failure have given up supporting the defeated (Israel).

Ismail Haniyeh’s murder and the possibility of a very comprehensive war?

The killing of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’s political office (three days ago), shows Israel’s desperation and is trying to start an all-out or even international war. Probably the calculation of these crazy people who have lost their control is that because they have atomic bomb and the whole world knows that there is no doubt about their shamelessness and inhumanity and they will use it against Iran; So Iran will act with fear, in which case they will continue until either Iran retreats and declares surrender, or they expand the war to more places.

What will Iran do?

   At this time, when the world is in fear and worry about the war that Israel has declared (killing such people and earlier commanders of the Iranian army in Syria are all declarations of war), what should Iran do? First, Iran should push the issue in the United Nations with more intensity and power so that it can claim war damages from Israel and its allies in the future.

But from the military side!

   The experience of more than 40 years of war has made the youth of those years war-seen men who do not hesitate to start work.

So it seems that they also have weapons that are equivalent to atomic bombs, and if they don’t have them, they will get them first. They may even ask Russia to deploy its nuclear weapons in Iran, like some countries, or to provide it with electromagnetic bombs, or to ask North Korea for a nuclear bomb, which is apparently being pursued, and some news reports indicate from their arrival in Iran.

If this happens, then Iran can change the situation in the region safely, especially with the help of its allied forces, and in this case, the situation in the world will also change.


From the very beginning of the Ukraine war, I wrote:

This is a war to determine power in the world, which is one side of the West and one side of the East (Iran, Russia and China), which is now joined by North Korea and White Russia, and it is possible for several other countries to join as well.

When the war in Gaza started, I wrote:

This war is completely connected with the war in Ukraine and it is in the same direction to determine the sovereignty of the world. So now Iran’s allies know that Iran’s defeat (or Russia’s defeat in Ukraine) will also be their defeat. As a result, they will provide good military assistance to Iran. And as a result, if the war is not stopped, it will become an all-encompassing and global war.

Don’t forget that there are many contradictions in the West and they may spread from within, and by the way, perhaps one of Israel’s goals for creating a war between the East and the West is to forget these contradictions among Westerners; An idea that is very stupid and will not be able to stop the effort of the West and at least the effort of the power of the Zionist Jews.

August 3, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan