War of life and death! A note on the possible war between the East and the West!

War for the leadership of the Sunni world!

If there is a war between Iran and Israel, it will be a war that determines the power between East and West. This will be a war that can endanger the lives of Russia (Iran, China…) and in case of failure, it will lead to the defeat of Russia in Ukraine, which will result in the disintegration of Russia. have knowledge This is a war of life and death for Russia, Iran, China and its allies. And on the other hand, it will be the same story for the West.

Apart from the countries that have declared support from the East or the West, there will be countries that have not been included in the calculations so far. For example, in the meantime, the forces of Iran and Russia, which are in Africa, can also shoot at Israel from those countries or attack the interests of the West in different countries.


What everyone is referring to (but not with this frankness and essay that I am writing now), at this time for Natan Yahoo and his faction, is the situation of life and death. So he wants to act in such a way that either he wins or everyone is destroyed.

Of course, the victory for Nathan Yahoo means an internal victory because if everything calms down, he will be brought to the Israeli domestic courts. That is, he wants a guarantee that he will not be tried and punished.

On the other hand, Matan Yahoo has no place in the world as a war criminal. So in this predicament, he wants to take everyone to hell with him.

Trial of Nathan Yahoo!

So maybe one of the ways to close the way to war is trial and maximum possible punishment for Natan Yahoo and those around him; Those who wanted war from the beginning and tried and are trying to start a war in any way and by sacrificing people’s lives.

Sunni leadership!

The choice of Senwar as the political head of Hamas was a smart move and a big blow that shook the imaginations of Israel and the West.

If the possible war between Iran and Israel spreads, then Sanwar’s references to the pro-Palestinian people in the world, especially the (Sunni) Muslims, will have serious risks for the interests and especially the security of Israel and Israelis in the world.

This war can make Sinwar the leader of the world’s Sunnis and destroy all the efforts of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Egypt to lead the Sunni world.

July 7, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan