Fundamental differences within America!

   Trump wants to go to Russia and oppose China; because he thinks that in this way he has created a gap between them and Russia will avoid China and China will become weak; As a result, it can start American factories and return its industrial exports to a few decades ago.

   For this, Trump has to lower the dollar. Maybe even in order to reach price competitive exports with China, the dollar will have to be lower than it was before.

   On the other hand, the Democrats want to proceed with war (weapons sales) and oil sales.

   This is one of America’s biggest internal conflicts that could even lead to civil war. It used to be a civil war for independence and unity; But the latter may lead the country to disintegration; This has been announced in the country.

   In order to continue the war (arms sales), the Democrats need to keep Russia on its feet and not be completely weakened so that it can continue the war. So, by raising the price of oil and the dollar, they multiplied Russia’s income at once

   In the war between Ukraine and Russia, Western companies were able to sell most of the old and obsolete weapons (the tax money was from the people of Europe and America) and now they are selling airplanes and some mid-range weapons (between obsolete) and modern weapons, such as the old F-16 aircraft, etc.) which, of course, will be brought from other countries, and those countries will have to buy newer weapons from the United States. Here too, it is the tax money of the people of these countries that goes into the pockets of the owners of the weapons factories

   But it is not clear that if the Trump faction wins the next election, it will be able to accomplish what it had in mind in the previous period and is still based on that. Because they have destroyed many bridges behind. Among them, they pushed him towards the creation of a new world order, including global money and a system like SWIFT, with extensive sanctions against Russia.

Also, they forced the international court to condemn Putin; It is something that cannot be removed by Trump.

   There is a bridge that was broken, and to rebuild it, maybe the only way is to kill Putin.

   On the other hand, now the whole world policy is no longer determined by the West, especially the United States, and some of the points mentioned above are only their wishes, otherwise they cannot play Russia completely, because the alliance between Russia and China is based on the fact that they cannot go to the West. Trust Zionist Christians. On the other hand, the West is no longer completely Christian-Zionist like a few years ago, and they have lost a lot of their power.


   Now the polarization situation in America and Europe and between them has reached a very sensitive level, and perhaps one of the ways to save America and avoid civil war is to create a third party (of course, this is also composed of capitalists) and maybe a fourth party (composed of freemasons). And maybe basically the shape of these two current parties will be completely messed up.

   Russia’s relations with China were greatly strengthened, and China’s trade continues to grow, especially as it creates new markets in the world (by trying to develop weak and poor countries).

   On the other hand, now America (and the West and others) have become dependent on this country due to China’s cheap products.

   The world is undergoing fundamental changes and it is cultivating a new order in its heart, which will not have the limitless powers of the West. The countries that understand this point and cooperate with the founders of the new system will find a suitable role in the future.

July 10, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan