Important tips on the possibilities and timing of Iran’s demand for blood from Israel?

   After the murder of Ismael Haniyeh in Tehran, Mr. Khamenei announced bloodshed and almost everyone confirmed it. But now that for the past 13 days, no action has been taken, and some have started saying that no action will be taken, or that they are looking for a compromise and that something small and safe will be done.

  1. The assumption that Iran will compromise with the West is not unlikely in politics, but at what price and what will they give in return for their failure!
  2. The peace negotiations and its outcome are also important and if Hamas reaches a peace agreement, then it will probably not participate in Iran’s revenge and as a result, they will withdraw a large force from supporting Iran’s attack.
  3. Iran will not compromise and will give a tough answer. In this case, there are two basic points:

First – what would the hard answer look like? Therefore, it should be prepared and not be so that it is suffocated in the bud, which will be many times the dishonor.

Second – In response to Iran’s attack, there will be an attack or attacks from Israel, and of course with the help of the West. Therefore, you must be ready to defend against the enemy’s response. Considering the extent of Iran’s attack, or whether the enemy wants to spread the war to all regions or the world, these are points that determine the type of Iran’s attack, which must create a suitable defense. For a proper defense, we may need weapons that are not available in Iran and must be imported.

  • Preparing Iran’s allies is one of the important points for Iran’s attack and defense against Israel’s attack, or more precisely, Western attack and the possibility of the continuation of the war.
  • Iran attacks and Israel responds and then Iran must respond to it and this work continues. So you have to prepare for this event as well.
  • Another point that should be considered is the Hosseini Arbaeen ceremony (4th of Shahrivar equals 25th of August) until the end of which many government forces are busy and many are not in Iran. Note: About 10 days ago, I met a Palestinian activist and… and we talked. He did not see any rush for Iran’s response and even said: “It would not be strange if Iran responds in five months.” There is always time to respond to the ugly actions of others; It’s a matter of being conscious of choosing the right time, the right type, and having the right sponsors. One should even make the best use of the possibility of creating a gap in the ranks of the enemies.

July 12, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan