The difference between khod A (Khodash Amadeh) means -came itself- and El, Al, Allah, Yahweh, God, etc.

What is known as Khod Amadeh (Khod A) in Iran and the Iranian lands is known as God in other lands are very=complitly different from Al, El, Allah, God, Yahweh, etc.

In some of these, they attributed the characteristics that the Iranians had for Khod A to El, Al, Allah, Yahweh, and God, while the origins of these people and the idea that their believers had were and are completely different from the Khod A of the Iranians.

Iranians in the Persian translation of the proverbs of Allah, Yahweh, God, etc. They put the word Khod A (self-contained = came by itself).

Perhaps it is wrong in all cases, and what they themselves (any religion) say is Al, El, Allah, Yahweh, God, etc. because it has caused a mistake in the real understanding of the root of what they were referring to.

For example, when I asked several universities of Persian literature in different countries about what they call the creator, they had names other than what I wrote earlier in this article (Al, El, Allah, Yahweh, God, Khod A …).

When I asked them to explain the root of that they call creator; they did not understand the point at all and said that what they were saying was God.

They can give the exact answer after reading the explanations that are given.

Khod-A among Iranians!

First, the explanation of Khod-A will be discussed in order to clarify the point better.

There were many Izad in ancient Iran, which we have almost equivalent in Greece. These were all created. Above all of them was Khod-A, who was not created by someone else, but they said that he came by himself (Khoda – Khod A – Khud Amadeh). This Khod-A was related to other Izad (who were under him) by a special Izad, which was fire. The smoke of the fire conveys the message of these Izad to Khod-A. As a result, the fire that was the link between them had to be kept burning.

So far, it has become clear that the choice of Khod-A name among these people was not unreasonable, and it has a very specific and specific meaning.

Kod-A is the creator, but it does not have a creator.

Kod-A created itself.

There were many topics in the expression of existence and the Creator in Iran, including the issue of TIME as the Creator, etc. It has also been.


The Greeks wanted to travel to Iran and get acquainted with the philosophy and thoughts of the Iranians, which in fact wanted to know the thoughts of the Iranians about this religious-philosophical point (what is the universe, existance) and other issues.


The Greeks had gods (almost like Izad), headed by Zeus. Now the Persians call Zeus the (Khodaye Khodayan = “god of the gods”), which causes confusion in the knowledge of “Khoda” and “Izad” and the difference between their thinking and that of the Persians.

The Iranians must say what the Greeks themselves say. Because Zeus cannot be compared to Khoda at all. Khoda has no direct relationship with anyone at all. Khoda does not marry anyone and does not have children, and this is exactly what Muhammad took from the Iranians.

The stories of Christ as God or the Son of God are not at all close to the philosophy of creation of the Iranian. It is quite different even from Judaism. but are close to the Mandaeans and Greeks.

The beliefs of the Greeks differed from the Khoda and Izad of the Iranian, including that they had many of the characteristics of human beings and lived with earthly people, quarreled, loved, and married. Zeus even steals a woman named Europa from Lebanon (the whole region of the eastern Mediterranean was Greek) (note that he steals) and that woman gives birth to Hercules, who was half god and half human. That can be compared to the story of Jesus Christ


This is also one of the roots of Jehovah’s idea of the creation of Christ.

Christ is not the Son of Khoda, but of Jehovah. There is a big difference between Khoda and Jehovah.

In the thinking and expression of Iranians, Khoda was not and is not such that it has relations with human beings, especially sex (sexual intimacy), etc.


Allah existed before Islam, and the name of Muhammad’s father, the Prophet of Muslims, was Abdullah, which means “servant of Allah”, which was completely different from “servant of Khoda” at that time.

Allah has existed for centuries, but His character has been very different from that of the Iranian.

Allah has been an idol!

Allah has been the name used by at least three regions.

Muhammad took the attributes of Allah from the Khoda of the Iranian. What Muhammad said is different from the Allah who preceded him and became his father’s name.


A mullah in Iran wrote a detailed book called “Research” and wanted to show that there was no idol called Allah.

El or Al

The word “al” became “Alah” and “Allah”, and in some cases, it is written as “el” or “y” as “yil”.

Linguistic note: In the entire region, every ethnic group or nation has changed AL 0r EL according to its language or dialect.

Changes in words when entering languages and accents are commonplace, and there are millions of them in the world.

For example, in half of China (including Beijing) they do not say Iran because the letter “R” is not there, and they say “ylang  or Ilang“.

In Persian-speaking countries, words are spoken in different forms, even with different alphabets.

1. Bab Al or Bab El:

Babylon is the country it introduces.

The Bab means “door” and “Al” is the same as “Allah”, which is mistakenly translated as “Khoda”.

As a result, the meaning of “Babylon” is the same as “the gate of Al or the gate of El or gate of Allah.”

It is a big mistake to say “Gate of Khoda” or “Gate Izad.”

The correct translation is “The Gate of Al”.

This word should be written separately as “Bab al or Bab El or Bab Yl” and not “Babylon”.

In the Persian language and indeed the people of the region, BabElyan means the people of Bab El.

2. EL UM:

This name is completely mispronounced in Iran and among Persian speakers, and as a result, its meaning is not known. Because it is written in the wrong alphabet, it will not make sense  and its real meaning.

The meaning of “EL UM” is the same as “Mother of EL” or “Mother of Allah”. Therefore, this should also be written separately –E L– and UM. Alam or Ilam – is wrong, and in particular, Elam is completely wrong and distracts from finding the meaning, purpose, and root.“

EL UM should not be translated as “Mother of Khoda.” Rather, “Mother of EL”. And perhaps it should be said: El is the mother. Because the mother is the Creator and the Creator

3. Erbil:

The origin of this word is “Arbaa Al” or “Arbaa El” or “Arbaa Yl”, which means “four Als” or “four ELs” or “four YLs”.

Arbaa is same as Arabic means four.

In the same city of present-day Erbil, there is a square in which there are four statues or “four idols” or “four Al-El-YL”.

Thus, what was called “Allah” before Muhammad, the prophet of Muslims, was completely different from the Khoda desired by the Iranians.

Muhammad tried to attribute characteristics of the “Khoda” of the Persians to “Allah” and brought him closer to the “Khoda of the Iranian”.


“Al”, which is the same as “Allah”, is an idol and is fundamentally different from the “Khoda” that the Iranians expressed, and “Al” or “Allah” should never be translated as “Khoda”.

Jehovah among the Jews!

The book of the Old Testament has many historical values. Although there have been many distortions in it, it is a book that can be used as a basis for historical research in many cases.

One of these is Jehovah’s name.

According to the Old Testament, the Jews had their own “idols” before their return from Egypt, which they sometimes kept under their clothes. When they enter Palestine, after a while, Moses dies and Joshua takes his place. It is at this point that Joshua, for reasons that I think was political and to create unity among them, says: Everyone must worship Jehovah, or else they will be punished even to death. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to unite them to attack Palestine.

Note: Having a common religion and a great leader creates unity.


Scholars say that the story of creation, which appears at the beginning of the Old Testament as part of the Torah or the Five Books of Moses (the doctrinal basis of Judaism), was written and added to it after the other ones and in the last stage. I will also clarify some very important and fundamental points here.

The name “Yahweh” is derived from the same “Yahi” in the Mandaean (Canaanite) language. This name is revealed to the Jews after the arrival of the Jews in Palestine.

In the Arabic language, it was called “Yahya” and then “Yahya” with -h ح , but the Mandaeans called it “Yahya” with -h  ه – (Two different alphabets, but with very close pronunciations) which is the name of the Creator according to the Mandaeans. The name “Yahya” or “Yahi” is also given to a person.

I wrote the detailed description in a book called “Jesus Christ and His Mother Were Not Jews, but They Were Mandaeans.”

Even today, among the Jews, Yaho and Yahi are also used in conjunction with Yahweh, such as Nathan Yahweh. These are different pronunciations or accents in the same language.

The Hebrew language itself is also of Arabic origin, which can be said to be an Arabic dialect or pronunciation.

In the Hebrew language, some do not have sh,  And there are other differences in their language.

According to the above two points:

1- Al” or “El” or “Yl”, which is the suffix of the names “Israel” and “Michael”, etc. It is not of the Jews. These names are fabricated and has no Jewish roots.

2. Jehovah is not of Jewish origin, but is borrowed from the Mandaeans (the Canaanites).

The Jews mixed Jehovah with other stories from the region (such as creation, which is mostly derived from Gil Gumsh and the Iranian).


A few months ago, I went to museums in the southeast of that country in Turkey, where I saw statues or idols of “Gabra EL” or “Jabra AL, etc. were very old.


The same name “Gabra EL” or “Jabra AL”, which is pronounced with both -G- or -J-, also has another clear reason for the pronunciation of different names and words.

In principle, these compound names should be written separately. For more information, please refer to the article I wrote a few years ago entitled “How Ishmael Heard Allah” which is available on my website. In essence, Asma’a al-‘Al.


The story of creation, which is mentioned at the beginning of the Old Testament in the Torah section, was added to this book after the acceptance of these beliefs that existed in the region, and then in the text of other articles, the Creator or “Yahweh” was mentioned, otherwise, as mentioned above, every Jew had an idol for himself and “Yahweh” was taken from the people of that region (Mandaeans = Canaanites) after entering Palestine.

Suggestions to universities and research centers:

As I mentioned at the beginning of the article, it was not easy for university professors to express or explain this point, so I had to write this brief. Even it is difficult for non-Iranians and non-Persian speakers to express and understand it.

Therefore, my writing will only be to clarify the roots and differences.

More than this, it is the duty of universities and professors to find out among the different people in the world the reason for naming it as the Creator.

I searched the Internet for the origin of the name Gad in the West and found nothing. Then I asked a few scholars, and my question was completely new to them and they had not thought about it.

I also asked the Georgian professors, and they said another name that was unique to them, but they did not know its origin and real meaning.

July 2, 2023

Uppsala – Sweden

Philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan


What has been said above about the mistranslation of Allah, Jehovah, etc. Khoda was told that the opposite is also true, and that none of these can be translated into another, for example;

 Allah to Jehovah or Khoda …

Yahweh to Allah Khoda …

In particular, Khoda cannot be translated as El, Allah, God, and Yahweh.

July 5, 2023

Uppsala – Sweden

Philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan