Mr. Pezeshkian’s relationship with Khamenei and Westerners!

   The speeches of Mr. Pezshkian, the new President of the Iranian Republic, in the parliament and the meaningful smiles (out of happiness and approval) of any representatives, spoke of the agreement at a higher level than the parliamentarians.

And as a result, all the people on the list of the new government were approved for the first time without any problems, also with the highest votes.

   Khamenei had two alternatives, the fundamentalists Mr. Jalili and the other side Mr. Pezashkian!

  1. Jalili brings a fundamentalist and anti-Western government.
  2. – Pezeshkian, who was somehow in Khamenei’s faction; The government presented a combination of fundamentalists and Westerners.

   Mr. Rouhani’s government was a complete Westernist and as a result wars took place between them.

Of course, Rouhani was affiliated with British Freemasonry and was and still is against Israel (Zionist). I have written explanations many times before in various political cases.

During the administration of Mr. Rouhani, the security organization and some armed forces were completely under his control as the president, and he was able to start internal military conflicts (under the false name of the people’s movement), but now Mr. Pezashkian is not on this path as the president.

   Khamenei is a skilled politician. He previously gave high positions and positions to the likes of Ahmadinejad, Mousavi and many others. However, they then drew the sword on him.

One of the problems within Iran’s government is the differences between clerics and their various interpretations of Islam.

Mr. Pezashkian is not under the rule of Westerners!

Mr. Pezashkian’s government is a kind of reconciliation between two factions!

   As a result of the compromise between the two major political factions; Iran’s domestic and foreign policy will be completely different from previous governments. Of course, if nothing special happens in the future.

The story of the agreements could be understood from the shouts of Mr. Zarif (Foreign Affairs Minister of Mr. Rouhani’s government) during the election campaign, when he said: The (Khamenei) leadership has approved me.

By withdrawing from supporting a particular candidate, Khamenei did not buy the enmity of the losers and gained everyone’s support from the side.

Khamenei was not interested in the fact that Westerners and Israel always directly and indirectly put all the problems on his shoulders, and finally it had to be dealt with in some way.

Khamenei’s policy of coercion or any other reason was and is cooperation between two factions.

Note: After thousands of years of Kingdom, Iran’s infrastructure is still based on relying on one person at the top.

Why Iran has not yet responded to Israel!

   After experiencing 8 years of great war with Iraq, Iran’s government has been running away from direct war for years now. But it uses proxies well.

   Regarding the demand for blood from Israel, the same point is being investigated so that it does not lead to a serious military conflict with Israel and the West and serious damage to the country’s infrastructure and economy.


  1. The country was engaged in presidential elections and government formation.

A country without a government cannot go to war!

  •  Several million of their forces are on the Arbaeen march in Iraq.

The result of compromise between power factions:

   If the Westerners can be controlled so that Iran does not become a colony of the West, especially the Zionist Jews who rule the West, and if they adopt a balanced policy with all the countries of the world, and some Western countries also accept that Iran’s rule is not completely anti-Western, then there will be a fundamental change in Iran and The West and maybe the state of world relations will take place. Because Iran is a decisive country in world politics.

   With the position of the ministry of both main factions in the government and, accordingly, in the subgroups, the reason for those demonstrations (one of which was behind the protests every time, but they were labeled as a popular movement) disappears, and as a result, the possibility of political interference and assassinations by the West and Israel is also greatly weakened in Iran.

And the slogan of death to the dictator (Khamenei) will not be said either.

   Iran, with all its economic weakness, is not comparable to European countries, but its role is much greater than the majority of European countries in world politics. This means that Iran is somehow powerful.

Pezeshkian government is a new experience in the world

    Mr. Pezashkian’s government is a multi-sectarian government that must solve issues by cooperating or compromising with each other.

If such differences are properly managed within the governance, it will be positive for freedoms, including social freedoms, prosperity and development of the country.

   Perhaps this government is the only example in the world where different factions oppose each other

    All over the world, a certain party takes power and forms the government, leaving no room for opposition parties and forces. Even in Sweden, even though the Social Democratic Party could not win a majority and form a government without the support of the Communist Party (later renamed to the Left Party) for decades; But in no way did he choose a minister or a decisive piece from this party. The situation of America and the like is clearer than ever.

August 22, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan