Courage or wisdom, which is better!

Among the terms or human qualities and the behavior with oneself and others, two things are superior to all, wisdom and courage.

What is wisdom is discussed earlier in the article – the age of wisdom, the age of political wisdom and the age of philosophical wisdom – and then in a shorter supplementary article (the age of social wisdom and…) I explained.

I wrote about courage many times and mentioned it in some other articles.

But wisdom or courage, which one leads the other?

I asked this question here so that the minds will sharpen and try to find an answer. Thinking about this point shows the direct and correct way of knowledge of life, including politics.

Politics is something that controls the lives of the people of the world in all countries without exception. Until we can determine the reasonable answer of the relationship and superiority between reason and courage, we do not have a real understanding of life, politics and reasonable decision-making, and our behavior is not based on knowledge and courage, but a completely confused behavior.

Although my answer is in the writings of wisdom and courage and my other philosophical writings, I will provide a detailed review in this regard in the future.

September 6, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan