A debate in stupid, ignorant and crazy!

Why Christians and Jews are the stupidest people in the world!
In the world, there is no ignorant person in the absolute sense, because there is no absolute ignorance, and each human being has awareness, knowledge, and reason in many cases, and they organize their lives by them. Even in the least intelligent people, you can see highlights.
Knowledge, consciousness or reason exists among all kinds of animals as well.
Even all the globes and galaxies have the same order that can be called knowledge or intelligence.
On the other hand, humans are ignorant in many cases, that is, they have no knowledge of many matters or points or sciences… and most importantly, they have no knowledge of existence.
A proverb says: All people know everything.
Years ago, I showed its big and fundamental mistake in an article, the truth of which is as follows: everything that all people know, all people know.
That is, all mankind does not know everything in the world, but all the people on earth know things that may be billions billions billions less compared to what exists in the world and they do not know. I mentioned earlier that my knowledge about the world is so little that I am not even able to give a number for it. And of course, all human beings cannot give a numerical answer to this lack of knowledge.
On the other hand, what everyone knows, a single person knows very little of it, for example, each of the medical, engineering, agricultural, human sciences… they are so broad that there is not even a single person who knows all of one part of a field. to know

Ignorance is not a big fault! Not admitting ignorance is a big fault!

There is no reasonable reason for anyone to try to know all the sciences, languages, foods, plants, stones, etc. in the world and worry about being called ignorant.
Wise people themselves readily admit their ignorance to many questions, but fools are the opposite.

In all societies, an average level of knowledge is considered for people, if those are lower than that level and cannot solve normal daily problems, they are considered to be mentally retarded or insane and at one point, they are considered crazy. Although it is possible for anyone to experience instant or momentary insanity and not be able to distinguish right from wrong and perform crazy actions, but after a while they return to normal. But crazy cannot be returned. A madman has a mental problem (problem in the brain) to learn.

But the story of stupid people is something else!
It is stupidity when people judge and blame each other in discussions.
Those people who do not admit their ignorance in discussions about things they do not know and insist on answering, are the most stupid.

Contrasting philosophy with religion and its relationship with stupidity!
Philosophy is based on discussion to reach a reasonable and logical conclusion without presuppositions. Philosophy does not determine the end of the discussion from the beginning and does not try to reach that point.
Contrary to philosophy, the basis of the discussions of religion is to place points (books, people, and words) in advance, which in the most famous religions place a creator and a book or writing or words, and the result of all their discussions must be attributed to that God, that book. and reach people. This is stupid!
The creation as described in the Semitic and Zoroastrian religions was the result of the baseless thoughts of people a few thousand years ago who did not have the least knowledge about the world and the vastness of the universe, so with the amount of intellect they had, they said things that now with the least thought, they are baseless. Simplicity is realized. But those people who are not ready to see these points and reject these books and follow those baseless words and despite all the possibilities to reject those thoughts, they are nothing more than fools.
But people who use these religions for personal gain and power are not fools but charlatans.

Stupidity is not universal, that is, there is no person who is stupid in all cases, but people are all wise in most cases. But since religion has taken control of people’s lives, believing in those books, writings and people (religious leaders) is the greatest folly.
The worst thing is that these books and people play an important role in human life and have caused the death of tens of millions and the misery of hundreds of millions of people. The war between different religions and the war between different sects of each religion has caused death and misery for ordinary people and money and power for religious and political leaders, which we are witnessing even now.

Meanwhile, the books of the Old Testament and the New Testament are the worst of all. The book of the Old Testament (the first 5 books are also known as the Torah) is full of crimes that people should be ashamed of and withdraw from.
The book of the New Testament (also known as the Bible) due to lies, and especially that in two cases in the books of Matthew and Mark, Jesus Christ called all peoples dirty dogs and considered only the Jews as human beings, should be considered as the foundation of what is worse than It is racism, it should be rejected.
So, in this era, when in Europe, America and other Christian countries (Canada, Australia…) there are the most facilities to study and investigate these anti-human words, but there are people who spend their time on Christianity and Judaism and cannot read these words. They see the completely unreasonable and express their distance. They are the stupidest people who live in a stylish and modern appearance with a house, life, car, etc. with the best standards, but their intellect is several thousand years behind and corrupt. And on the other hand, with their support, which is rooted in these religions, they ruin the lives of others in the service of Christian and Zionist political and religious leaders.
Meanwhile, some change their religion and claim that they accepted the new religion knowingly (in old age and not childhood). While this change has never been done with reasonable reasons and proper study, and they have sealed their stupidity.
One of the most stupid things said by the Semitic religions is to determine a holy land, which they launched a massive Crusade (Christian) war to dominate it a thousand years ago. And now the Zionist Jews have done so and have kicked out the residents for several thousand years, and the Zionist Christians, who consider themselves dogs in the service of the Jews based on the New Testament, support these crimes.

Admitting the lack of knowledge in existence is reason. Trying to prove existence by religions is complete stupidity.

October 16, 2024
Balakchi – Kyrgyzstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan