One of the worst things done by the communists in the countries of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan was to change the alphabet and Russianize the language, which made these people unable to read the very valuable books of their ancestors. As a result, there is a big difference between the general knowledge of these people and the residents of Iran. Books and reading are not popular here. In particular, the knowledge of these people about Islam is very, very low, and what is taught in Iran as the axioms of Islam from elementary school, they do not know, for example, about the campaigns of the Prophet of Islam, they have no knowledge at all, and if you talk to them about these campaigns or wars, then Muhammad in this Ghazwat fought and looted and killed his people and tribes, that is, explain what happened, which is also mentioned in reference books (such as Maghazi), you may also be attacked physically. They think Muhammad was sitting like a recluse and just giving advice. They have absolutely no knowledge that Muhammad entered into war, politics and power (financial and government) from the beginning.
After about 70 years of communist rule, no sign of communism can be seen in Samarkand. Communism not only failed to show the baselessness of religion to the people, but on the contrary, it showed its baselessness even more. Now everyone simply says that communism was completely wrong and baseless, and by the way, this point and the lack of alternatives opened the place for Islam.
It should not be forgotten that the rich sheikhdoms encourage religion by building mosques daily, and of course their main goal is to gather forces, and from these mosques they prepare military and guerilla forces for their influence in governments and civil wars, etc. To better understand this point, look at my writings a few months ago during my trip to Africa, where I showed that the West, with the development of Christianity in these countries, provided the ground for interference in these countries and, when necessary, by arming the most prepared religious fanatics (brainwashed). starts a civil war in these countries.
November 27, 2024
Samarkand – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan