Two stories from a recent trip!

1- In one of the countries of Central Asia, two immigration officials (from two different countries who knew Persian) came to the cheap hostel where I was staying; A few Iranians who were there were a little worried, but I told them; Don’t worry, these are because of me. The agents started talking with me for a few days in an apparently normal and friendly way. They had a high university education and were men of age and quite a lot of experience. My answer, which is always and everywhere frank and without fear of anything, excited them. When I told about the Russian Revolution, how the Jewish capitalists did it to destroy the power of Freemasonry and the kings of the West, and how they destroyed the region and their countries, and now how these Jews are interfering in their countries, they kissed my face several times and even wanted to kiss my hand, but I never allowed them. They thanked me for the fact that I met the professors of their universities and saved them from the chains of false philosophers of the West and taught them the right way of thinking and the right philosophy. They knew those professors and named some of them as their professors.
2- I went to Türkiye from Central Asia. Again, in that cheap hostel, one of the special agents of the presidency was from one of the Central Asian countries (of course not from the two countries that I wrote about in the first case). After talking a few times, he finally said that after my meeting with the professors and the head of the humanities department, they went there to check/inspect/research and of course they also saw my book and got to know its content. He took my hand warmly and said that I am very happy and proud to meet you. It means that the presidency of that country was aware and pleased with my philosophy. And certainly, like other Central Asian countries, they teach my philosophy.

If Shams Tabrizi influenced only one person (Rumi), I will never know the number of people who have been influenced by my thoughts. Even these two or three days, when I talked with some professors for just a few minutes at the University of Rabat (the capital of Morocco) and the National Library, their previous world collapsed and they proudly wanted to take pictures with me. One of them even said that your life is in danger from the Jews with these words and thoughts. I said: I know the sentence of death and murder myself seven times, but a real philosopher must be the bravest of people, otherwise he censors himself and is nothing, just like the so-called philosophers of the West who are liars and servants of Jewish capitalists. It is not without reason that almost all these false philosophers are Jews; Jewish capitalists translate their anti-rational and anti-philosophy books into various languages, and with this means they brainwash you and earn good money. All these people confirmed my words without any doubt and thanked me for these words.

February 8, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan