What is freedom?

Every person who shouts for freedom must first define freedom for himself!

He should write at least five pages about freedom, and if he can satisfy himself, then discuss it with some people, and if he can convince them, then it is the beginning of shouting for freedom.

Two groups shout for democracy:

  1. Those who want to deceive people.
  2. 2- Those who have been deceived by the first category.

This the beginning of my book called “True Philosophy, False Philosophers, Why Plato Called Democracy the Worst System”.

Plato wrote about freedom about 2300 years ago; But still, the vast majority of people do not have the slightest understanding of freedom. It means that they are about 2,300 years behind science and knowledge and have not learned a lesson.

But the biggest sinners or culprits are those who teach in universities but cannot introduce people to science/knowledge/wisdome and the correct system of thought. Many of them do not have real philosophical wisdom and knowledge because they themselves are captives of the powerful/wealthy and do not have the courage to break free and think freely; So, what they say about freedom is a lie and deception, which is the greatest betrayal of science/knowledge and humanity.


See my reference yesterday about – the relationship between knowledge and courage – and which is superior.

In my writings, I have made detailed philosophical references to freedom and its relationship with independence, humanity, etc., and their roots.

Freedom has an inseparable relationship with independence. A country that is not independent (is a colony) is directly deprived of freedom. In Western countries that are apparently independent, due to the fact that the control of the economy, banks, trade, industry, politics, culture, educational affairs, social laws, etc. is in the hands of the rich organized in secret and public organizations, directly (but apparently hidden) people do not have freedom and independence. And until such a system exists, achieving freedom, human rights, etc. is a dream. Even directing people’s screams/slogans (freedom, democracy, human rights, etc.) is in the hands of the rulers. That is, the story of Maulvi (Rumi) in which a parrot thinks that a person of his own kind is talking to him, while a person is sitting behind the mirror and talking to him and taking control of his mind. I have written this story and its detailed interpretation in a detailed article.

Here we face the issue of wisdom and courage to face the problem. The question I asked yesterday.

False philosophers of the West!

What Western philosophers have written as philosophy; They are lies for intellectual/ knowledge confusion in the interests of the big capitalists of the West. The same capitalists translate and publish those books in as many languages ​​as possible by investing a little money, and by doing this, they corrupt and divert people’s minds and earn good money.

So the biggest traitors to wisdom and humanity are these false and cowardly western philosophers.

Unfortunately, the rich people of the West have been successful and managed to deceive the universities of all countries:” that these people are the best thinkers in the world; And of course, the overwhelming majority are also Jews; That is, the Jews are separate taffeta and superhuman thinkers”.

This is a very ugly racist way, but if we look carefully, it is a kind of religious view, because these rich so-called Jews, their religion is Jewish. Jews are original Arabs.

Now, according to my philosophical writings, many professors of the world’s universities have become aware and have been forced to accept the falsehood of these people and found the courage to write. Their writings in this regard are starting to be published, and surely soon the fight against the false philosophers of the West, who write in the service of the big capitalists and against science, philosophy and humanity, will become widespread.

As a result, my philosophy, which is real, humane and independent of warmongers, international thieves, rich criminals of the world, will serve the majority of the world’s people.

A person who does not have courage does not reach the stage of wisdom!

To accept the reality or to reach knowledge, especially to deal with the lies that have been planted in the brains in any way as facts or sacred things; You have to be brave!

A true philosopher must be the bravest of men.

September 7, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan