Israel’s cyber attacks will be against America and Europe!

The internet was used by the US military until they thought of using it for cheap and very widespread espionage. But because they deliberately left it at the disposal of private companies, the Zionist Jews ruling America gained the most position and made their agents like Bill Gates and Zaker Berry, etc. responsible for them.
On the other hand, these Zionist Jews knew that in order to control America and Europe, they must have an independent base outside of these countries, and they chose the best place with the ridiculous religious justifications of Palestine and named it Israel.
Israel is not the basis of the country, but it is the military and espionage base of the Zionist Jews so that they can safely and without fear that one day the West will be freed from the Zionist colonialism and gain its independence, and as a result, access to the spying and military apparatuses, etc. to continue with their anti-human programs. Whenever there is a possibility of their collapse, they burn or blow up everything and leave no evidence.
Therefore, Israel is their last stronghold as a base for espionage and plans to create war in the world, and the collapse of Israel will also lead to the destruction of the Zionist Jewish capitalists who rule America, Europe, etc.
It must be assured that the main center of countless servers that exist in the world is in Israel. Therefore, Israel knows all the secrets of the West very well, and it has the same control over America, Europe and other countries that it showed over Lebanon and Hezbollah.
It was not without reason that China and to some extent Russia took steps to separate from this system and some things like WhatsApp were banned in China and replaced by their own things.
Efforts were made in Iran as well, but the Western-oriented elements of Iran, who even sat in the office of the president, opposed Iran’s independence (including in the field of the Internet, etc.) (Woman, life, freedom) were also used. The slogans that came out from these Israeli spy agencies.

The West (America, Europe, Canada and their dependents) must know that they are colonies and there is no independence, freedom and human rights in any colony, but slavery.

Important supplementary point:
In the Bible, Jews have written twice from the mouth of Jesus Christ: Only Jews are human, and the rest are dirty dogs who must eat the remains of Jews. As a result, churches and Christians like kings, ministers, capitalists, etc. have accepted that they are dirty dogs in the service of Jews. These people, who are like that and are not human, are not in a position to talk about freedom, democracy, human rights, etc. until they declare that they are human and thus deny the Gospel.

September 21, 2024
Uppsala – Sweden
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan