Don’t let the pop go to Kazakistsn!

Don't let the pope go to Kazakhstan!

Honorable Chairman of the Peace and Reconciliation Palace of Kazakhstan
Miss Indira
It is a good thing that you have a center for peace in your country. But I heard your staff proudly say that twice a year the Pope of the Catholic Church comes to this facility.
Unfortunately, I must say clearly that by accepting the most ugly and anti-human words written by the Jews in the Gospels of Matthew and Mark from the language of Jesus Christ, Christians have accepted the worst possible type of anti-human thoughts, as a result of which they have become completely anti-peace and anti-reconciliation.
So it is a pity that you let the Pope of the Catholic Church into your center. I hope that if you really believe in peace, humanity and reconciliation between people, then you will not invite him and take a position with Christianity. What some others did after hearing my words and seeing my writings.
In the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, when a woman (in one is a Greek woman and in the other is a Canaanite woman) asks Christ for help to heal her daughter, Jesus Christ says:
“I came only for the Jews.”
It means that it has not come for billions of people. That is, he did not come from the God of the universe and for all the people of the world. Christ did not come for Kazakhstan, Asians, Europeans, Americans, etc.
Then he shamelessly adds:
“Only the Jews are human and the rest are dogs. They must eat the dregs of the Jews.”

First point:
A dog is a dirty animal in Judaism and Christianity. Islam (Muhammad, Qur’an and the Rashidun Caliphs) was indifferent to the dog and Zoroastrianism considers it sacred.
Second point:
The original Jews are Arabs. More than 90 percent of current Jews are Jewish.

I have filed a complaint against the Pope of the Catholic Church and the Archbishop of the Church of Sweden for accepting these anti-human and anti-peace statements to the Swedish police, and I have demanded that they be prosecuted, and I have requested that they do not allow the Pope to enter Sweden.
These words of the gospel are worse than racism. In racism, everyone is human, but some consider themselves superior. But in this very bad book, only Jews are human. It means that even you who are reading this right now are not human, even your father, mother and whole family are dogs and dirty.

In the following, I have written in political matters:
You church leaders, kings of Europe, presidents, prime ministers, western politicians and in general all the Christians you have accepted are dirty dogs, so you are not human and you cannot do anything for man and humanity, democracy, freedom, peace, human rights, but you are completely at the service of the masters and You confirm the crimes of the Zionist Jews ruling the West.

Until you Christians clarify your duty and accept that you are human, i.e. do not deny that anti-human book, you have no right to talk about humans, human rights, democracy, peace and everything related to humans.

But if the heads of churches, kings, heads of countries say that they have not seen these words or do not understand their meaning, then they should be considered the most stupid or lying people in the world. In this case, shame on the world and the people of Christian countries, who are the stupidest people who own power, wealth and sovereignty.
We are now witnessing that in the last one hundred years these religious and non-genuine Jews have started dozens of wars in the world and have killed millions of people, especially in the last one year we have seen that they have killed thousands of Palestinians. But the Christians, who consider themselves the dogs of the Jews, have remained silent.

According to the Old Testament, the entry of Jews from Egypt to Palestine was the worst genocide in human history, i.e. the killing of all people and animals (cows, dogs, etc.) in five cities and then burning them. That genocide not only does not give historical justice to the Jews, but they should be tried for it. Based on this, the inhuman occupation of the Palestinian land a few decades ago does not create the right of sovereignty for the Zionist Jews, but they must leave their land and give damages to these people.

In conclusion, I will add that I have seen the performance of churches in many countries, especially in Africa. Their role is completely colonial. Churches have become a possibility of espionage and act in such a way that when the time is right and a civil war is created, they know which people in that country have been brainwashed and are ready to fight, so weapons and logistics are provided to them and suddenly a civil war and The disintegration of that country is taking place, so that the people themselves do not know how these events happened and their country was disintegrated.

Important note:
I have published a book in English entitled “Jesus Christ and his mother Mary were not Jews, but they were Mendaeans” which after about 2000 years identifies the lies of the New Testament (Bible). This book of mine has messed up the world of Christianity and churches, including the Vatican.

Consecration of crime is worse than the crime itself!
The book of the Old Testament is a crime from head to toe, so the sanctification of that book is worse than the crimes written in it, and it causes peace and reconciliation to not be established in the world. By accepting the Old Testament and printing it at the beginning of the Bible, as well as accepting that dogs are in the service of the Jews, Christians also cooperate in the sanctification of this biggest root of crimes, and as a result, they are among the most criminal people.
I consider them human but demonic and not dogs.

Additional note:
I have written my criticisms about calling people dogs by the Bible many times and sent them to the media, churches, universities, etc. Once a professor from Armenia (the same age as me) wrote to me: Hassan, we are friends, but you are insulting me here. In a detailed critical response in about 15 pages, and of course for the public, I wrote and pointed out that it is not me who calls you a dirty dog, it is the Bible that said so, and whoever accepted Christianity accepted it, I just opened the eyes. And I destroyed the fears.
I wrote to that friend: you who have a relationship with the Armenian Church and even the Pope there, should negotiate and talk with them.

Second note:
When I introduced the book “Jesus Christ and his mother Mary were not Jews, but were Mandaeans” to the head of the library of Kharkiv University, she said: This is a book that all our professors should read. We have a relationship with the Catholic Church and we discuss with them. About this book, the professors of the universities of the world have said many, many more praises and even called it the greatest revolution in history, and the head of the Kharkiv National Library said: We have two million books on one side and this book of yours on the other side, which of course was because it is a summary of my philosophy. It was also printed at the end of the book.

September 28, 2024
Astana – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan


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