Philosophical disaster in Kazakhstan

Philosophical disaster in Kazakhstan!
For Kazakhstan, which had one of the greatest thinkers in human history (Abu Nasr Farabi), who is known as the second teacher and introduced philosophy to Islam and the Islamic world in the best way, it is a shame that he does not have a professor of philosophy at Astana University (Nazar Bayov) and Most of his philosophy teachers and even the head of the department of philosophy are Western and Christian.
Undoubtedly, those who believe in religion are not philosophers, but at best they are philosophy teachers.
The role of philosophy in determining all policies and laws of countries is undeniable.
I wanted to talk to the professors of philosophy in this country (University of the Capital) and present my own philosophy, which is based on the creation of laws based on the culture of countries; But what can I say to those who are basically not from this country because:
My philosophy is completely logical and reasonable and is based on four foundations:
1- We don’t know anything about existence (is it matter or created or…).
Admitting ignorance is reason, trying to prove what we don’t know is irrationality or stupidity.
2- Man’s progress is due to his intellect, not by force of arms or money.
3- Laws should be based on the culture and other characteristics of each country or society.
There is no eternal law.
4- Right now, in all countries, certain rich and powerful groups rule, whose main goal is to secure their own interests. Countries should be managed by free thinkers. There can be capitalists in countries, but they should not be allowed to rule over the people through their wealth.
Capitalist countries are never independent, and as a result, there is no freedom, democracy, human rights, etc.
Western countries are colonies and accordingly there is no independence, freedom, human rights, etc.

Now, with this complete and logical philosophy, if I go to Astana University to meet philosophy professors who are religious and have a non-native nationality (Kazakhstan), what will be the result?

The entire Western government is religious and is under the control of the Zionist Jews, and they know that many people (especially in the West) have no relationship with religion, so they have tried to deceive the people through philosophy. The rulers of the West have hired people, given them the name of philosophers, and translate their books into most languages ​​of the world and teach them in universities, thereby brainwashing the people and making good money.

I have published several philosophical books and there are several hundred articles on my site. Including a book entitled “True Philosophy, False Philosophers, Why Plato Called Democracy the Worst System.” This book, which is in Persian language, is now taught in many universities around the world.
The overwhelming majority of Western philosophers are false. My philosophy is real.

Kazakhstan and every other country must find themselves, they must put aside all the anti-reason and anti-philosophy words of these false philosophers of the West (who are mostly Jews for obvious reasons) and determine the laws for their country according to my philosophy. Therefore, they should have people from their country who are philosophical, who feel the roots of their country’s culture with all their heart.

September 28, 2024
Astana – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan