war has rules!

War has rules!
While Israel is considered unsafe and its people live in fear of attacks. Iranian people work and travel with peace of mind.
Now the capital of Iran is in complete security, but the capital of Israel is under the pressure of war and military attacks and complete insecurity. So Israel is in trouble and at the stage of failure. Due to the crime of killing some political and military officials, the war should not be dragged into the country.
Tourist trips in Iran are made for the collective purpose, but Israel has been closed for tourism, it is considered a war zone, and traveling there means the risk of death.
So it is Israel that has failed and is trying with all its might to drag Iran into a direct war and as a result insecurity in the cities.
In war, excitement without thought is suicide. You must act with thought. No military commander should commit military suicide under the influence of the feelings of those who have lost their loved ones.
Israel is getting the answer for its crimes daily and as it is known, it is being tortured. In order to escape from death, Israel sees the solution in bringing Iran to a direct war. But so far it has not succeeded.
Looking at the situation in the region, it can be seen that Israel has not been able to harm Yemen’s military administration, which is one of the important reasons for the long distance. But Lebanon, which is in the neighborhood, is more vulnerable, and on the other hand, it can hit Israel more.
Iraqi forces also have another function due to the distance, which is more than Lebanon and less than Yemen.
Iran is different from others because of its distance and stronger position.

The laws of war work in favor of Iran. The policy of distancing from direct war and war of attrition is better in Israel.

Syria should be prepared to recapture the Golan Heights and open a big and important front because Israel cannot fight on several fronts. It was expected that at the same time as the start of the Gaza war in which the Israeli forces were involved, Syria would take action to reclaim its land.

October 1, 2024
Astana – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan