The Western bloc fell apart! Now every country should think of a new program and a new friend and enemy!

I mentioned the division within the West a few years ago, and now Trump has announced the end of it. My reference started exactly when the West was defeated in Syria by Iran and Russia. The plan of the Zionists was to bring Daesh (ISIS) in the region and changes in the political geography of the countries, which was defeated by Iran and Russia. As a result, the Freemasons and other forces set out to reclaim the world power that had been taken from them by the Zionist Jews.
The war in Gaza had also reached a point where Israel was at a standstill and was nearing its end (Hezbollah’s fierce attacks were quickly moving into Israeli cities and as a result the normal life of the people was completely destroyed). Or a big and global war should have taken place.
The war in Gaza was tied to the war in Ukraine.
So these changes in their rotations reached this very sensitive stage now.
The world is a chess game whose players are all the countries of the world and every move can affect friends and enemies. I must remind that:
In politics, there are neither friends nor enemies, at the same time, everyone is a friend and everyone is an enemy. So there is no time between friend and enemy and it can happen at any moment.
The rift in the West that I wrote about included the rift between Europe and America, the rift within America itself, the rift within Europe, the rift within the Zionist Jews ruling the whole of the West, and as I emphasized a few months ago, this rift turned into a contradiction.

The countries outside the western bloc that had attached themselves to this bloc, or Iran, in whose sovereignty a group stopped everything in the country until Iran became dependent and a colony of the west; They should make a new plan for their countries.

February 20, 2025
Tangier – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

West and democracy!

I wrote many years ago that Europe is nothing more than a colony and there is no independence, freedom, democracy, human rights, etc. in any colony. Now President Trump declared it openly and practically showed it.
Now, I think that even the most stupid politicians and ordinary people of Europe have realized this point.

Many times in talking with some wise Europeans, after a while they understood and said frankly: you are right about the West and unlike the Western countries, Iran is an independent country.

February 19, 2025
Tangier – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Kant and liberalism!

To know a way of thinking, you have to know its root. In the countries of the world, university professors are engaged in philosophical discussions, and each of them promotes a false Western philosopher and claims to understand his statements. In Iran today, the so-called philosophers of the pro-Western faction have put Kant and liberalism at the top of their agenda, and have led reason, philosophy, and thus politics to error and corruption.
In order to examine the mistakes of Kant and his philosophy, there is no need to go into the details of his words because this is the old Iranian advice that says:
The house is completely destroyed; The ignorant landlord is in the trap of painting the house.
It is enough to pay attention to two basic points:
1- In what era did Kant live and for whom did he write?
2- What was Kant’s intellectual origin?
Kant lived at a time when the Western countries were hounding the world; They enslaved countries and people, committed large scale open and shameless killings, drove many people into poverty, and killed many people for lack of reason, and in this way built palaces that are still admired. Certainly, the rulers of these countries had no mercy for the people of their country, the most obvious point was sending them to kill and be killed. And for both of these, they had to find ways, in the meantime, false philosophers, including Kant, etc., came to their aid and are still coming.

Kant wrote books about ethics!
Someone who writes about morality and humanity should criticize looting, killing, colonialism, etc., all that European countries did at that time as anti-morality and anti-humanity. It is certain that if Kant had done so, there would have been many risks even for his life and that at least he would have been censored and his work would not have reached this level of fame. As they censor me and threaten me with death and stamp as mad/crazy…..
Getting into philosophy is definitely getting into politics, and you should write about it and condemn wars, colonialism, exploitation, looting, killing, and every ugly and anti-human act. And if he doesn’t do that, it means self-censorship or submission to the powerful, in which case that person is not a philosopher because a philosopher must be the bravest of people.
In the service of these wealthy murderers in the world, Kant determined the system and method of running the country for them. This system was not universal, but only for those people, and it had nothing to do with democracy, human rights, and freedom, but the opposite.
Of course, today that system or method is not responsible even for the same Western countries, and if they mention liberalism, it is far from what was said two centuries ago. Today they act in a different way according to their own interests.
It should be seen who are the rulers there today and how they rule over other nations and loot their resources.
The path taken by the West is not based on philanthropy and respect for humans; Rather, even according to the beliefs of some powerful/western rulers, the people of the world are dirty dogs and slaves. Such thinking does not work in any way with others on the basis of equality and respect. So, even if we accept that these countries are governed on the basis of liberalism, the liberalism system of these rich powerful people is not applicable in the countries under domination.

The above point is mixed with Kant’s religiousness!
A religious person means someone who puts a religion, a book, and a religious leader at the top of everything, no matter how logical and reasonable he may speak, but because he must ultimately reach his “sacredness/holy things” and not negate it, he is completely out of logic and reason.
But a philosopher does not have any pre-conditions or sanctity in his discussions, and he does not aim to reach something predetermined, but he deals with the issues with logic and reason until what is the result.

Therefore, Kant and all those who are religious are not philosophers, but they are called “sages/scientist” in Iran. It is not surprising that the speakers of Kant and liberalism in Iran are also religious.

If Kant was a true philosopher and had a sense of humanity, his energy should have been spent on condemning crimes and not serving criminals and giving them a plan to run the country.
Look at the people who were oppressed by the West in Africa, and today their voices are raised to prosecute those criminals. And now tell them about liberalism and Kant. It is not without reason that my philosophy is the most popular among university professors and African people, and it replaces the false philosophies of the West.

How is it possible to implement the opinions that a religious (Christian) person gave more than two hundred years ago for the rule of slave owners, looters and colonists for Iran, a society with a Muslim majority and with a completely different history and culture from the West. Such people who do not know these simple points and are placed at the top of the universities and leave the control of the universities’ intellect in their hands, if not to say that it is the conspiracy of the colonialists who have infiltrated the government, then it can be said that it is due to the irrationality of the government.

These followers of Kant in Iran are religious, and as a result, they are far from philosophy, real reason, and as a result, the human system.

All my philosophical effort is to free thoughts from the “intellectual slavery” that the West imposes on different countries, even their own people, by special institutes and false philosophers with propaganda.
While people in the West are turning away from religion, the owners of wealth and power are using the weapon of false philosophies to mislead people’s thoughts. But my philosophy easily scandalizes and defeats them.

February 13, 2025
Tangier – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

What is hate? Is it possible to live without hate?

Of course, there are things in life that are hated!
There are actions that are hated!
There are people who are hated!
This type of hate is not negative. Those who cannot understand this simple point in life cannot be called kind people, but they have serious defects in terms of social knowledge and social intelligence.

February 17, 2025
Tangier – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

I will not renew the Swedish pass!

In a few months, my five-year Swedish pass will expire and I will have to apply for a new one. But!
I will not do such an action because Sweden and maybe the whole world will become a part of America in a while, and then I will apply for an American passport, and of course there will be no need for a travel passport anymore!

February 15, 2025
Tangier – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Morality has no place in American politics!

In lying, duplicity, shamelessness, denying his words and signature, Trump has whitewashed Erdogan’s face. The behavior of people like Erdogan is called the culture of prostitution and Trump is more than that, he has the culture of brothel owners. Entering into negotiations with people with such cultures…

February 12, 2025
Tangier – Maghreb
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

The threat of war is a crime!

Now that the United States and Israel are threatening a military attack on Iran, it is the duty of the Iranian government to complain to the United Nations and other international organizations, etc.

The threat of war, which disrupts the normal life of people and is a psychological war, is considered a crime, just as the threat of murder is a crime and should be prosecuted and punished, and in this case, the threat of nuclear attack is the biggest anti-human threat.

February 9, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Two stories from a recent trip!

1- In one of the countries of Central Asia, two immigration officials (from two different countries who knew Persian) came to the cheap hostel where I was staying; A few Iranians who were there were a little worried, but I told them; Don’t worry, these are because of me. The agents started talking with me for a few days in an apparently normal and friendly way. They had a high university education and were men of age and quite a lot of experience. My answer, which is always and everywhere frank and without fear of anything, excited them. When I told about the Russian Revolution, how the Jewish capitalists did it to destroy the power of Freemasonry and the kings of the West, and how they destroyed the region and their countries, and now how these Jews are interfering in their countries, they kissed my face several times and even wanted to kiss my hand, but I never allowed them. They thanked me for the fact that I met the professors of their universities and saved them from the chains of false philosophers of the West and taught them the right way of thinking and the right philosophy. They knew those professors and named some of them as their professors.
2- I went to Türkiye from Central Asia. Again, in that cheap hostel, one of the special agents of the presidency was from one of the Central Asian countries (of course not from the two countries that I wrote about in the first case). After talking a few times, he finally said that after my meeting with the professors and the head of the humanities department, they went there to check/inspect/research and of course they also saw my book and got to know its content. He took my hand warmly and said that I am very happy and proud to meet you. It means that the presidency of that country was aware and pleased with my philosophy. And certainly, like other Central Asian countries, they teach my philosophy.

If Shams Tabrizi influenced only one person (Rumi), I will never know the number of people who have been influenced by my thoughts. Even these two or three days, when I talked with some professors for just a few minutes at the University of Rabat (the capital of Morocco) and the National Library, their previous world collapsed and they proudly wanted to take pictures with me. One of them even said that your life is in danger from the Jews with these words and thoughts. I said: I know the sentence of death and murder myself seven times, but a real philosopher must be the bravest of people, otherwise he censors himself and is nothing, just like the so-called philosophers of the West who are liars and servants of Jewish capitalists. It is not without reason that almost all these false philosophers are Jews; Jewish capitalists translate their anti-rational and anti-philosophy books into various languages, and with this means they brainwash you and earn good money. All these people confirmed my words without any doubt and thanked me for these words.

February 8, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Those who have iron fists, killed enemies with friendship!

My father told us this Iranian proverb to beware of enemies in the face of friends.
In the last few decades, it was also evident that whenever the West wanted to seriously attack a country, it showed a very friendly face in those days. For example, when they wanted to overthrow the Shah of Iran, when they wanted to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi, etc., and now Trump, who surpasses Erdogan and Turkey in lying and changing his words and face, should be seen in this proverb.

February 6, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Canadian French and the story of Canada’s unity with America!

A few million people in Canada are basically French and still consider themselves French and have internal problems with English speakers and the English language in Canada.
Now, if even Canada agrees to go under the American flag, these people will find the situation suitable for complete separation and becoming an independent country.
Where does the story of Trump’s words originate?
England was a world power until the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, the Zionist Jews broke the power of Freemasonry with the communist revolution in Russia and the communistization of several European countries, and by dominating America and several other programs, they themselves became the first dominator of the world. Until the rest of the plans of the Zionist Jews were defeated by Iran and Russia about twelve years ago in Syria, and from there, Freemasonry and the Kingdom of England were proud to rule the world, and among other things, they demanded the division of America and getting the rich part of that country.
Now that the situation in the region has changed again, Trump wants Canada to retaliate for England’s actions in America.
Canada and Australia are part of the “Commonwealth” and in a kind of governorship under the supervision of England.

In this situation, if Iran, China and other non-western countries behave a little with wise policy, the internal conflict of the west will disintegrate there.

February 4, 2025
Rabat – Morocco
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan