To God!

God, if in that world you will give me the most beautiful women and the most delicious food with servants and everything that some say for eternity?! I will do anything for you in this world. But you have to show that you will definitely do these things. I don’t trust those who claim to represent you, they are all liars and looking for abuse (free money without hard work). Contact me directly. Otherwise, everything is the lies of a few mullahs, rabbis, priests, etc. liars with the name Rouhani.

November 16, 2024
Tashkent – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Field and foreign policy!

Some active media people are surprised that Iran is doing well in the field, but it is very weak and sometimes bad in foreign policy and a disaster in the economy.
The answer is:
Khamenei is in control of the military forces. However, his hand is short in foreign policy and economic issues, and Westerners have influence.

During Mr. Raisi’s presidency, he, who followed Khamenei’s line, brought Iran into Shanghai Union and then BRICS. If he had survived, Iran would have strengthened its economic and military alliances with the East, and probably would have directly entered into military cooperation with Russia in the Ukraine war, and on the other hand, would have forced Russia to seriously and publicly support the resistance forces against Israel and the West in the region and the world would fall in a different direction. For this reason, the possibility of his murder by Israel through Azerbaijan can be considered.

November 18, 2024
Tashkent – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Are the Arab countries a colony of Israel or a colony of Iran?!

It is interesting that some Arabs (Zionists in disguise) claim that Iran wants to colonize Arab countries.
How well they talk about the colonial term, so they probably know what it means:
1- If they know the meaning of colony, then they know how long they were a colony of the Ottoman Empire and even beyond that they were a part of the Ottoman Empire.
2- They must know that several centuries ago, the West sought to overthrow the Ottoman Empire and change the map of the region, but the fear of not being able to pacify the region prevented them.
3- They must know that these Zionist Jews (who started World Wars I and II) caused the division of the Ottoman Empire in order to create Israel, as well as from the poor and desert tribes of the countries of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the Emirates… (The film Lawrence of Arabia shows these events well) so these sheikhs considered themselves indebted to Israel. But now some of these newly established settlements want to leave Israel. And some still want it or their feet are so stuck that they don’t think they can become free and independent. Their feet mean their money, which is in Jewish banks in America.
4- So these Arab countries are still colonies, that is, they moved from Ottoman colonialism to Israeli colonialism. So some people who say that Iran wants to colonize Arab countries are the agents of Israel to mislead the public mind.

A note for the information of the westerners who have been deceived by the false history of the Jews!
Iran is a country that established the world’s first empire about 2,550 years ago and taught the world the way of governance, and Plato in his book, when he talks about 5 government systems, he calls the kingdom of Iran the best and democracy the worst (see my book and Plato) ). Iran is not like dozens of countries that were created in the last few decades or America that were created in the last centuries. And of course, Israel is never right. Iran is the history of human history that must remain.

November 19, 2024
Tashkent – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

American presidents with backward faces!

Not only did none of the American presidents ever have charisma, but none of the American presidents have any sign of intelligence, most of them have the face of clowns.
Because none of them were real and are not, but they were and are clowns in the hands of big capitalists.

November 10, 2024
Namangan – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Western philosophers are false, anti-human and in the service of capitalists!

Yesterday, I saw a video of the recent speech of Slavi Žižak, which fully demonstrates my previous statements regarding the anti-reason, anti-philosophy and anti-humanity of these false philosophers.
This anti-philosophy person at the beginning, who was placed in the lecture hall, began to speak in a stressed manner opposing/condemning the operation of Hamas on October 7, 2023. This is enough to show his dependence. With these words, he cleansed the entire short history of 70-80 years of evil and crime in Israel and proved this false country to be right.
Earlier, I showed by referring to the Old Testament itself, which was the only reference regarding the coming of the original Jews (who were the desert wandering and poor Arabs) from Egypt to Palestine; That they committed the greatest genocide in history to occupy the land of the Palestinian people. This genocide and usurpation of the people’s land not only does not create any (historical) ownership and cannot give the historical ownership document to the Jews, but on the contrary, they should express their shame and disgust for this act. Even as the Jews get reparations from Germany for the second war, they should also pay reparations to the Palestinians.
On the other hand, the Christians who publish their books with the Old Testament, especially their religious leaders, must have read this story and make it a document of condemnation of the Jews, but by sanctifying this crime and other crimes mentioned in the Old Testament, Christians show that They are in an anti-human situation. For a better understanding of this point, see my post entitled “Sanctifying a crime is worse than the crime itself”.
Now let’s look at the new shameful history of the military barracks and the spying and planning center for crimes in the world in the name of Israel, how they took people’s houses and lands by force and displaced them. Israel has no right to exist, it was created by the great Zionist Jewish capitalists, most of whom are not ethnic Jews (Arabs) at all, but their religion is Jewish and from Eastern Europe, for what I wrote in the previous lines.

No thief owns what he stole, and especially the buyer (the person who knowingly bought the stolen property) has done a worse thing. Buyer are those who immigrated to Israel for a free house, especially some people who changed their religion and went there for these facilities. These same malkhers are now armed to support the stolen property.

The people whose property (their land) was stolen and many of them are still alive have the right to fight for the return of that property and their land. This is the basis of humanity, reason and philosophy.

Hell will break loose if societies support thieves. And now that the Zionist Jews are ruling the West, they are looting the world and bringing it to corruption and destruction.

The worst disgrace of the United Nations was the recognition of Israel as a state. Of course, at that time the UN had fewer members and most of them were Western and under the influence of Jews.
Israel is not a real state, it should be expelled from the United Nations.

So evil people like Slavi Žižak, who write in the service of these international capitalists, have no logical and rational connection with philosophy. They are mercenaries who destroy reason, philosophy and logic. By publishing the anti-human works of these people, the Jewish capitalists brainwash the people of the world and earn good money.
But my presence with a real and logical philosophy puts an end to these people and their anti-science and anti-philosophy talks.

November 10, 2024
Namangan – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

American election circus!

Those who vote for international criminals (who have hundreds and even thousands of mafia and terrorist groups in the world under the key) for a piece of bread are complicit in these crimes in the lowest and most despicable form.
American elections are a circus whose clowns are the voters and the intoxicated spectators are a small number of capitalists.

November 5, 2024
Andijan – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Meeting with Andijan University! What is the limit of freedom?

Yesterday, Tuesday, I went to the University of Andijan to meet the professor of philosophy and the head of the department, Mrs. Farideh. The head of her office knew English, but she brought the English teacher to be more sure.
My philosophy is logical and reasonable, so until now all philosophers have accepted it, but each of them had questions.
Professor Farideh said: Our problem is that we have different ethnic groups and religions in the country, each of which has a different culture and different demands, and it is very difficult to determine and implement the same law for everyone!?
I said: I am familiar with this issue and I have written about it before and that solving the economic problem is very simple. Solving social problems is the most difficult. This is why I called Western philosophers false and against reason and philosophy and in a way religious, because they, like the prophets, present a law (suitable to the West and their own country) for everyone. But I say that I don’t have a law for everyone, and every country should make a law for itself, and this is your duty, philosophers, the only general rule that I have said is this point.
At the end, we took a souvenir photo, which unfortunately was deleted from my phone for a reason that is still unclear. In the end, she recommended that I go to university in Tashkent (the capital) and raise some issues with the professors of religions and history.

Without knowing the concepts of freedom, independence, colonialism, physical and intellectual slavery, democracy, human rights, dictatorship, etc., movements are blind or confused.
Earlier, I brought up Socrates’ discussion about the limits of freedom and mentioned that anyone who wants to talk about freedom, for example, should write 5 pages first to at least convince himself that he has understood it and whether the freedom he is considering creates a disturbance for the freedom of others. ..
There are different issues in different countries. In Western countries, where all the power is in the hands of capitalists, they simply control and direct thoughts, and what helps them is their smallness (some countries are the size of a city), and on the other hand, almost a group of people. And the countries have one religion and one thought.
Immigrant countries like America, Canada, Australia, which do not have tribal ethnic roots and are simply controlled and directed by a powerful group. That is, they do not have people in the corners of their country with the same ethnic origin, with hundreds of thousands of people with different languages ​​and cultures.

The most important point in freedom!
Each people’s understanding of freedom and respect for the rights of others. As a result, they should consider a limit for their freedom and that of others, which is different for countries and people there. This is the point that I have left as a duty to philosophers who are the wisest and have accepted my philosophy.

November 6, 2024
Andijan – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Brief and useful about the USA elections!

Two powerful and belligerent parties have been ruling America for decades and elect a dictator (in the full classical sense of the definition of a dictator) every four years. Apparently, their leaders are Christians, but they are Zionist Christians who are under the keys or servants of the Zionist Jews. These are religious Jews who came from Eastern Europe and are not genuine (Arab) Jews. If these Jews see the change of power in the world, they will go there, and they will deal the biggest blows to America and Europe. Apparently, China is progressing now (and some of them have gone there) and if in the future China or Iran or… become the power of the world, these Jews will move there and the least value for America/Americans and Europe/Europeans has not been possible. They even try to Somaliize them.
With this case, look at the case of those Americans who vote for these biggest criminals in human history; And calculate to what extent they are complicit in these crimes and why and to what extent they are stupid and to what extent they are powerless citizens and to what extent they are clowns of a false election circus; To elect a dictator!

November 2, 2024
Andijan – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

After Marxism!

Several decades of communist governments, with all their efforts to prove the correctness of Marxism, were easily replaced by religions (mosques and churches…). In the West (formerly communist Eastern Europe) churches are thriving and now in Central Asia I see the spread of Islam and the building of mosques daily.

Why did communism, which dozens of countries with all the power and government facilities showed a precise, complete and humane philosophy, collapsed so dishonorably?
The fact is that Marxism was not a philosophy, but opinions against reason and philosophy. Marxism, which started with materialism and propagated slavery and workers’ government, was completely wrong and against reason, philosophy and logic in all these cases.

November 2, 2024
Andijan – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Meeting with the philosophy professor of Osh University – Kyrgyzstan

Today, I went to visit the professor of philosophy of the Kyrgyz State University in Osh by appointment. Osh is the second largest city in the country, which has a large university whose departments are spread throughout the city. Because the English professors had all classes, two young female students came to translate, although they were not completely fluent, especially they were not familiar with philosophical terms. But the professor of philosophy was an intelligent person and could understand the conversations. He, like the people of science and especially philosophy of the former communist countries, who broke away from communism and were not interested in religion, sought to find an alternative. He had questions, and he asked several times, especially regarding the negation of material, which was raised by Marx. By emphasizing several times that by negating matter and God, I do not have religious or Marxist beliefs, but I am proposing a new philosophy in the world. He was unequivocal about Marx’s mistake regarding slavery and workers’ rule. Finally, he said that he has to go to the classroom now, but he would like to have another meeting. I said I will be there in two days or I will leave. But my advice to you philosophers of Kyrgyzstan is this: now that you are familiar with my philosophy, unite and plan for your country with your own culture and… Western philosophers are false and with the help of capitalists, their books are translated into different languages ​​of the world and they earn good money while brainwashing.

October 29, 2024
Osh – Kyrgyzstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan