Democracy is the bane of countries…

The freest or, by definition, the most democratic country in the Eastern bloc was Yugoslavia, which was torn apart by the West (Israel at the top of all).
The freest or most democratic Arab country was and is Syria, which the West (above all Israel) has brought to this day and their plan is to divide the country or a long and attrition war.
Libya was also in the ranks of these two countries and we saw what they did to it.
December 4, 2024
Bukhara – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M.  Hassan Baygan

American Barracks!

American barracks around the world do not only have military activities, but also to escape spies, terrorists, etc. Those who are condemned by that country for some kind of crime or treason to the country, etc., go to American barracks and are taken to another country by military planes.
December 2, 2024
Samarkand – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Religions and reason!

If religions firmly believe in their correctness, why don’t they discuss and prove their views?
The reality shows that religions are a means of recruitment for their leaders. So they should be brainwashed and not allowed to think. As a result, the war is very important to him in this and several other aspects.
These points show that religious leaders and statesmen never believe in the correctness of their religion.
Communism was and still is in the Jirga of Religions.

December 1, 2024
Samarkand – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

A summary of the ethnology and linguistics of the people of Central Asia! The overwhelming majority of people in this region are not Turks!

These people are so-called Turkic-speaking people, but Uzbeks do not even say that we are Turkic-speaking, but they say it openly, and in all world documents and even Google (the translation of their language on the Internet), they call Uzbek and their language Uzbek.

My journey started 70 days ago from Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. I also saw Almaty, I went to Kyrgyzstan and then to Uzbekistan. From Tashkent (the capital of Uzbekistan), I traveled to Shymkent, the third city of Kazakhstan, and from there I came back to Uzbekistan, and I have been here for 6 days now. Tomorrow I will go to Shahr Sabz, 90 kilometers away, this city is the birthplace of Amir Timur. Then I will go to Bukhara and Khorezm. After that I will go to Tajikistan.

During this trip, I talked with many people, including university professors. There are many points to write about; Some of them require more research and even travel to Tajikistan.
The important point here is why and what factors within Iran’s government do not want to untie the knots that can be easily untied by hand?! And they fuel unreasonable wars and disputes between people???!!!

Türkiye claims that from there to Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan are all Turks and should be under the same Turkish key.
When I mention this to ordinary people here, they laugh loudly and say: We are not Turks. And they make fun of Erdogan and Türkiye.
The only people who are deceived are some Azeris of Iran and some people of Azerbaijan.

Two years ago, when I went on a research trip to Turkey, I realized that more than 80 percent of the people there are not of Turkish origin, but the overwhelming majority of people are Greek, Iranian, Arab, Kurdish, Armenian, and some old tribes such as the Pharisees, Hittans, etc. The rest have been resolved or their presence is not public or noticeable.

Earlier, Turkey forcibly converted two million Armenians to Islam by threatening to choose between death or becoming Muslims, and now they have dissolved in the society and their Armenian identity has been lost, as a result, they have been added to the number of Turks in Turkey’s statistics.

It was two or three decades ago that the Turkish government announced that anyone who speaks Kurdish will be imprisoned for several months (even years) and will be required to pay a large fine. It was that during my trip to Türkiye, in the Kurdish region, I saw that people spoke mostly Turkish. This work of Türkiye is considered a cultural crime. It is normal that every country has an official language of correspondence. For example, in India, the official language of the government is English, which is imported. However, banning the language of indigenous people in a country is a crime that is raised by mental patients.

Let’s go back to Central Asia!
Now I am in Uzbekistan and it is quite clear:
1- There are two very large groups of people, one is the Uzbeks, who never consider themselves Turks.
Another is the Tajiks, whose history is an important part of Iran’s history. They lived in this area to the east of Ferghana since several thousand years ago.
In the Museum of Kyrgyzstan, the history of this country starts from the 15th century. because the Iranians were not there until the history of that region was connected with Iran and had a history of several thousand years; It is a mountainous country, and Iranians lived from the small western part of it (Kyrgyzstan around the city of Osh), which begins in the Ferghana plain, to the western part of present-day Iran. These people were either not in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan, or if they were, they lived in a very small number and lived a nomadic life, and there was no mention of the city or the government.
These people probably came from China centuries later.
2- The Tajik language has the same roots as Persian and Dari and has nothing to do with Turkish or Uzbek. Uzbeks also have their Uzbek language, which is not the same as Turkish. Perhaps the sum of Persian and Arabic words in Uzbek language is more than fifty percent.

Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan?
In addition to ordinary people, I also spoke with university professors in these countries. They don’t consider themselves Turks, even the head professor of the history department of Osh University, a city in the eastern part of the Ferghana plain, wrote for me the names of different peoples (tribes, peoples, nations, clans or whatever you want to call them) on a piece of paper, one of which was a Turk. .
It is obvious to scholars that Turkish was only one group of that list and is now used as the name of the language. Even in the book of the 13th tribe, it is clearly written that Turkish is a language like Arabic, which is the common and official language in many countries, but it is not the reason for them being Arabs.

The people of Kyrgyzstan say that we do not understand the language of Turkish people. The people of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan understand each other’s language, but they do not understand the Uzbek language. Uzbeks also do not understand the language of these two countries.
They also do not believe that they are Turkish.

The two countries of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are in the Shanghai Union and are allies of Russia, so they do not change this relationship with Türkiye.

This country is never included in Erdoğan’s fiction and they consider themselves Iranians and Iranian speakers.

Racial tip:
The people of Kyrgyzstan and many Uzbeks are very short. Basically, their lower body is very short, so the height of women is between 140 and 150 cm. Men are also not much taller than women. This physics does not fit with Iranian Azeris.

Now, with this summary, I present the serious criticism again in a more expressive form:
Which Zionist, Freemason, Westernist, anti-Iranian, anti-Iranian and anti-humanist force is sitting in Iran’s government and has so much power that it does not allow people’s misunderstanding to be prevented by clarifying these points to the general public in order to prevent worthless and baseless debates and then the possibility of war. To be internalized and analyzed???!!!
Which force does not want these points to be clarified for the people of Azerbaijan, so that they too get out of the misunderstanding.
This is a great betrayal of the country, and its agents must be identified and brought to court.

November 30, 2024
Samarkand – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Communism or religion in Uzbekistan! Which is dominant and why?

One of the worst things done by the communists in the countries of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan was to change the alphabet and Russianize the language, which made these people unable to read the very valuable books of their ancestors. As a result, there is a big difference between the general knowledge of these people and the residents of Iran. Books and reading are not popular here. In particular, the knowledge of these people about Islam is very, very low, and what is taught in Iran as the axioms of Islam from elementary school, they do not know, for example, about the campaigns of the Prophet of Islam, they have no knowledge at all, and if you talk to them about these campaigns or wars, then Muhammad in this Ghazwat fought and looted and killed his people and tribes, that is, explain what happened, which is also mentioned in reference books (such as Maghazi), you may also be attacked physically. They think Muhammad was sitting like a recluse and just giving advice. They have absolutely no knowledge that Muhammad entered into war, politics and power (financial and government) from the beginning.

After about 70 years of communist rule, no sign of communism can be seen in Samarkand. Communism not only failed to show the baselessness of religion to the people, but on the contrary, it showed its baselessness even more. Now everyone simply says that communism was completely wrong and baseless, and by the way, this point and the lack of alternatives opened the place for Islam.

It should not be forgotten that the rich sheikhdoms encourage religion by building mosques daily, and of course their main goal is to gather forces, and from these mosques they prepare military and guerilla forces for their influence in governments and civil wars, etc. To better understand this point, look at my writings a few months ago during my trip to Africa, where I showed that the West, with the development of Christianity in these countries, provided the ground for interference in these countries and, when necessary, by arming the most prepared religious fanatics (brainwashed). starts a civil war in these countries.

November 27, 2024
Samarkand – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Brief philosophical look at violence! Review of another stupid thing by Slavi Žižak!

In these days, in meeting with philosophy professors and students, when I was talking about false philosophers, I mentioned the name of Slavi Žižak. A person who is known as one of the five great philosophers of the world.
Not long ago, when he came for a speech, he clearly showed that he is a supporter of Israel, which is a completely negative and anti-human point. Because supporting a thief, an invader, a colonizer, a murderer, a child killer… is worse than those actions themselves.
Sanctifying a crime is worse than the crime itself!

About an hour ago, I happened to see a short video where an academic-looking lady with a microphone attached to speak to the crowd said: “A great sentence that is the most popular for me and everyone should learn and listen to it” by Slavi Žižak from the book He says in the name of violence. Violence occurs between people who do not know each other, for example, they beat each other in the street, but those who know each other do not do so.

This sentence clearly showed the stupid and low level of thinking of this idiot, anti-reason, anti-science and anti-philosophy of Slavic Žižak.
1- If the beating on the street is due to a mistake, it ends with an apology. But if a person does it intentionally to hurt others, the response of such a person who is in the lumpen group is indifference and not responding. A normal person does not even have a verbal conflict with these people.
2- When there is violence against a person, for example, a person is killed, but the killer is not known, the police will look for those who were familiar with him.
3- A violent fight occurs between several people who know each other and have planned a fight. People who don’t know each other don’t get together to fight with a group of debauchery who don’t know each other and they don’t know them either, it’s ridiculous where such a fight should take place. Definitely in a place where no one knows!!!

4- War takes place as a big fight with already trained military forces between countries that know each other. The one who has more knowledge and has been able to prepare and execute a more detailed military plan based on that has a greater chance of victory.

The examination of violence is broader than these four points that I wrote here, for example, violence due to the use of certain stimulant drugs, violence due to a car accident, and lack of nerve control. But it is enough to prove that the basis of Žižak’s Slavic statements is completely false, perverse, anti-science, anti-reason and anti-philosophy.
Usually, this group of people who grow up as philosophers in the world (and it is not without reason that the overwhelming majority are Jews) is done by big capitalists by translating their works into different languages ​​to brainwash people. And of course they earn good money.
You can read philosophical discussions in my posts on my website or on my Facebook.

November 23, 2024
Shymkent – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Was the JCPOA two-sided or one-sided???

These western countries, especially England, Germany and France, who claim as creditors that Iran has not implemented the JCPOA and has enriched more than what was declared in the JCPOA; Let them say which clause of the JCPOA they have fulfilled and which obligation they have fulfilled to demand the implementation of the obligation from the other side. Tell me, was the deal one-sided??? If it was not and it was bilateral, what is their own punishment for not fulfilling their obligations???

The Iranian government is acting very weakly, they should also be accused of being in debt and not fulfilling their obligations in international courts. He should use the same Western methods and not always sit on the accused’s chair and consider himself forced to answer.
November 23, 2024
Shymkent – Kazakhstan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

Is Iran’s problem with America or is the problem somewhere else?

All those who say that Iran’s problem in nuclear issues and… is with America and that it should settle with America; Either they intend to deceive people or they have been deceived by the first category.
Iran’s problem is with Israel, which is the master of the Western countries (America, Europe, Canada… and the servants of these Western countries, such as Japan, South Korea, the sheikhdoms…).

Israel is not actually a country, but a center of espionage, military and criminal planning to interfere in the affairs of the whole world, even the West itself.
But because the West is a colony in the grip of these Zionist Jewish capitalists, it cannot do anything. The West is captive to Israel.

About 9 years ago, when Iran wanted to negotiate with the United States and Europe to write the JCPOA, they emphasized that all security procedures had been followed so that Israel would not know about it.
Now it is clear that this is an obvious lie and those who claim to be political and believed this lie are at the top of the list of idiots in the world.
It is now completely clear that the ministers, the heads of the security organizations, the high-ranking soldiers of the West, the managers of the important departments… were and are Jewish or Christian Zionists and in the service of the owners (Israel) and all the information was directly at their disposal and in the same meeting of the JCPOA Their orders were carried out.
In the same way, other things, such as Swiss banks, which are said to be safe and keep secrets, are believed only by fools.
The Internet is completely used as a spying system. This point was obvious from the very first day to those who had a proper knowledge of power and politics in the world.
The rest of the world’s work, such as banks, commerce, and industry, is under key. Every money transfer that takes place is known, and as the saying goes, they even know what food we eat. Therefore, the purchases of people and organizations, etc., are completely known, and as a result, they recognize and control its purpose.
Therefore, the creation of new international banks, a new and independent Internet system, a new commercial system, etc. by the East is one of the current human needs to get rid of the Zionist colonialism ruling the West.

A look at the confrontation of powers in the West:
I wrote a few years ago that the conflict between Westerners (Freemasonry and Zionists) started after the failure of the Zionist Jews’ huge plan to dominate the world (with the launch of the Arab Spring). The main goal of the Arab Spring was the defeat of Iran and its disintegration. After that they destroyed Russia and then China.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Freemasonry was removed from world power by the Zionists. Now a situation has arisen and Freemasonry (especially England and these days Germany and France) wants to return to power again, and we see the conflict between them in different forms.
After that historical failure (the continuation of the Arab Spring, which was carried out by Iran and then with the support of Russia), the difference between the Zionist Jews increased, which I also wrote about a few years ago, and now this point has become completely clear.
These differences between the Jewish Zionists have now reached the US and European governments. The differences have even reached the level of the United Nations (to the extent of expelling the representative of Israel from the General Assembly with disrespect) and other international organizations (condemning the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense of Israel as war criminals). Organs that used to be uniformly owned by a faction of Zionist Jews. The various Zionist factions have faced each other to the point of assassinating the Prime Minister of Israel (Nathan Yehu).

The possibility of a massive world war!
It has been a few days now that the war-mongering faction of the owners of American arms factories (Democrat Party), who started the war in Ukraine to sell weapons, has given permission to attack inside Russia with long-range missiles. Russia has also warned them by attacking with the Orshnik missile, which is capable of carrying a very powerful nuclear weapon. But America and even England and Germany have threatened Russia with war, which is a sign of a widespread world war, and many evidences confirm this point.
The world is at a critical moment.
According to some published statistics, most of the American Zionist Jews who want such a large-scale war voted for the Democratic Party in the recent elections to continue the war, but in practice Trump won, which probably means the end of the hot war and the start of a hot economic war. However, it is not known whether it will end in a hot military war.

The big international capitalists who have built safe houses against atomic bombs in areas outside the limits of the possibility of an atomic attack and go there in case of danger of war, do not value human beings, humanity, human rights, democracy, etc. ; But the point is that they misuse these terms to convince the ordinary and naive people.
The sin of those who claim to be political but do not recognize these lies and pave the way for Western warmongers to kill people is unforgivable.

If Iran wants to solve its problems with the West! It has to deal with these anti-human beings (rich Zionist Jews), that is, to accept that it will not be a colony like America and Europe, but it will be at the lowest level of colonialism. This is suicide or killing a country.
Beyond that, with the defeat of Iran and its colonization, the power and independence of Russia and China will also end, and the world will become a colony of a special faction of Zionist Jews. And other Zionist factions also submit to this one.
So all three (Iran, Russia and China) should consciously support each other and not let anyone’s back be broken.

Iran should fully cooperate with its eastern allies in this situation. He should even publicly enter into a military pact with Russia, North Korea and White Russia. With such an alliance, his security is completely ensured. Also, Iran’s proxy forces will be greatly strengthened, and Israel and the West’s hand will be shortened from killing the people of the region, and a new road map will be formed for the whole world.
Certainly, if Iran joins this alliance, some other countries will also join them.

If the Eastern faction correctly understands the situation of the world, especially the contradictions of the West, and with political awareness incites the internal divisions of the West, there is a strong possibility that without a great war and the killing of millions of innocent people, the West will collapse from within.

November 22, 2024
Shymkent – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan


Israel, the dirty Zionist Jews, the evil rulers of the West!
The fact that you attack and kill children and unarmed civilians shows your ugly, vile and inhumane nature.
Woe to the day when you win and remain because that day means the victory of the devil.

November 16, 2024
Tashkent – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan

To God!

God, if in that world you will give me the most beautiful women and the most delicious food with servants and everything that some say for eternity?! I will do anything for you in this world. But you have to show that you will definitely do these things. I don’t trust those who claim to represent you, they are all liars and looking for abuse (free money without hard work). Contact me directly. Otherwise, everything is the lies of a few mullahs, rabbis, priests, etc. liars with the name Rouhani.

November 16, 2024
Tashkent – Uzbekistan
The philosopher of the school
M. Hassan Baygan