The decisive role of Iran’s oil exports to China in changing the world!

The economic sanctions of Iran and Russia forced these two countries to deal/trade more with each other and China. Many other countries also received the warning and they too have made more or less changes in their foreign trade relations.

Where will the development of inter-block trade outside of the Christian-Zionist West lead?

The answer is not complicated; The Eastern Bloc is more than half of the world’s population in terms of the number of people, and this means a very large market; In contrast, the Christian-Zionist West cannot be compared to it in terms of population and territorial extent.

Iran’s oil export to China and then Russia to China showed that the united East can completely rotate its markets, but this is not possible for the West!

Here’s the point:

Iran, Russia and Qatar have the most gas in the world.

The Russian bloc, Russia itself, Kazakhstan and Niger have the most uranium in the world.

Eastern Bloc has the most oil in the world.

China’s share in lithium and the production of lithium batteries is very high.

This means that most of the energy producing materials in the world are in the hands of the Eastern Bloc.

Besides that, the East Block has enough food products. Also, China has a lot of industrial products, which together with other Eastern Bloc countries have the largest production in the world.

So; If the Eastern Bloc wants to embargo the West, they will not last more than a month (until the strategic reserves are exhausted). But the West has not been successful in sanctioning only one country (Iran) for many years. Russia’s sanctions have also given the opposite result, i.e. the Russian economy has strengthened and Europe has weakened.


Several years ago I wrote:

At this time, Iran cannot be a financial threat to America, but it has a chance from a military point of view. Iran followed this path. A few years ago, I wrote again that now Iran has become a power due to the supporting forces in the surrounding countries. After that, I wrote that with the alliance with Russia and China, now they have become a world power that can become a superior power, but what was the biggest obstacle in this path and has now weakened, were the traitors inside Iran (supporters of the West) who are still in this They move. Their last attempt was in 1401 and the crowds were deceived by the slogans of the people.

Eastern Military Union!

Since two or three weeks ago, the name of North Korea has been officially added to the list of alliance between Iran, China and Russia in the western media.

The country of Belarus (White Russia) has officially joined the military alliance with Russia.

Venezuela, Nicaragua, Algeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan (Shanghai Union countries) and the BRICS Union, as well as Iraq, Syria and several African countries, can be seen in the list of candidates to join this Eastern Union.

If these countries (initially the first few allied countries on the list even without China, which can be a tactic and China remains a financial sponsor) sign a military agreement like NATO, then the risk of war will be removed from the world.

And of course, it will raise the clamor of the private arms companies that are in the West (and not in the East). And they will do anything to make war in order to sell weapons and earn money (money).

A weapon called advanced science control!

The West still dominates international banks and currency (dollars), as well as science and technology. The financial control power of the West, which is summed up in America and mostly in the control of the Zionist Jews, is rapidly falling, and at any moment the countries of the Eastern Union may pull down all that power by announcing a new currency.

But America’s control over the Internet and computer production is a bigger problem. This is a new force in the world’s power equations.

American military power is no longer a scary thing that forced others to retreat by resorting to it. America lost its military power with the wars of attrition in Iraq and especially Afghanistan, and with its loss, it lost one of its legs, and as a result, its other economic leg is also being cut off. His one hand is this technical power which is also in danger. The important thing is that if the Eastern Bloc enters the field of advanced sciences unitedly and with a broad alliance, they create their own systems in advanced sciences and accept and use them among themselves (like what China did with the likes of “WeChat” and “Tik Tok”). “and… launched), to launch operative systems and… and SWIF and…; As a result, due to the vast territory and population of the East (non-religious), whose alliances are not based on the domination of a special group of religiously dependent capitalists (like the West), they can change the world within a decade or two.

But to continue on the way, they need a strong, coherent and logical human philosophy/thought that has the ability to be flexible and adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the world, and I have also presented that which they should follow; Otherwise, the new form that is created will also fail soon.

America and the West have lost their reason; They don’t have a correct, real and reasonable strategy, so they do things that are more detrimental to themselves and in turn push the East in the right direction of unification and comprehensive development.

I wrote years ago:

Iran can change the world.

And now this transformation is visible and soon accessible.

May 9, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan

The future of the world with the domination of the East over the West! And taking back gold from America instead of papers (dollars)!

Soon and after gaining power in the East, according to the contract, one ounce of gold should be requested from America for every 35 dollars.

Other countries such as European and… can also return their dollars to America and make the same request.

Let’s imagine that a country has 35 billion dollars saved, then according to the official international agreement, America should give it 1 billion ounces of gold. It is a strange figure (about 300 million kilos of gold) and America (and the whole world) does not have that much gold. Now, if all countries want dollars instead of paper dollars and according to the written document; Then maybe all America should be given to other countries.

Here is the point:

It means that America has gained so much wealth, all of which was based on deception and force.

In an international agreement where one party (America) has committed to the whole world that if the dollar is accepted as the global intermediate currency, whenever they bring the dollar, they will get an ounce of gold for 35 dollars, legally, he has no right to dissolve it unilaterally. And a one-way exit does not create a right for him, but rather condemns him and aggravates his crime. If America reached some kind of new agreement with others at the same time, the issue would be different; But by forcefully speaking and disrespecting all the world and international laws, there is no place left for him to apologize etc. So, when the East can prove its complete domination over the West and America from the military and economic aspects, then it is absolutely right to demand the implementation of that international agreement, give all the papers to America and receive gold.

That agreement still stands, but as long as the United States continues to coerce the world with the power of this paper dollar and military force (which it obtained through the power of the paper dollar), such a demand will not be raised on the right, but when this power was no longer effective. Everyone has the right to ask for their rights.

This amount of gold or its equivalent must first be paid by the banks that printed dollars and their names are printed on the dollars, and if it is not enough, then it should be paid from the resources of the American government, and if it is still not responsive, they should give it to other countries from their lands (America). And …

The case and discussion is open and countries should keep in mind that the victory of the East over the West should be the foundation of a new system in the world. When I talked about the system, it means that they should follow a precise, logical, humane and flexible philosophy that adapts itself to new conditions at any time; And that is the philosophy that I have presented.

May 9, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan

Its not democracy, its lie!

In countries where the majority of the population is demonstrating and demanding that the killing of human beings be stopped, but the few capitalists who hold power go the opposite way, calling these countries a democracy means being brainwashed, having no brains, and especially no political intellect.

10 May 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan

What is sweden?

A country that is based on a monarchical constitution, and whose system is capitalism, to call it a democracy is truly shameful and out of ignorance or stupidity.

10 May 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The Philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan

Unexpected visits

Hassan Baygan


Every time I go any country, suddenly some were it comes some one of very high level professor eller journalist or… to me.

They try to talk with me about politic, religion or philosophy in highest level. I know these people are from their Intelegent Service or even from CIA or MUSAD how ever they try to show that was not planed to se me but just accedently happend in street or…

I am familier with these things now.

This time i Philipine happend maney times and I know which one was working for which country or intelligent Service.

I talk to them as I am and I talk to any one any were about my Philopsophy and how I think and criticising any things if neccery in disscution. I have noting to hide and I am not afraid of any one of them. Alla of them at best can be my servant.

The philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan

Germany and espionage!

German government minister claims to have arrested two spies for China

“We don’t accept spies.”


All of you are spies and lackeys of the ruling capitalists!

April 24, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The Philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan

Students protest in USA!

US university students protest against the genocide in Gaza, with hundreds arrested by police on charges of anti-Semitism!!

What other objection do you have to Iran? If the protests get a little harsh, you will shoot them all down!

You are the state and all the state apparatus of the United States, the elements of Israel and the capitalists!

Voting in a false American election shows brainwashing, political ignorance, and lack of alternatives that result from soft intellectual oppression.

25 April 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The Philosopher of the school

M. H. Baygan

About autonomy!

Israel, which intervenes directly around the world, including Iran, and organizes and arms people against the geopolitical and geopolitical integrity of these countries in order to dismantle it, why does it not respect the sovereignty of the people who occupy their homes, homes, and territories? And it opposes the formation of an independent Palestinian state that is not part of the territory confiscated by those people???

April 21, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The Philosopher of the School

M. H. Baygan

Why the BBC’s stance against Israel is the same as the media of the Islamic Republic of Iran!

Recently, and especially after the Israeli attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria, the BBC television has engaged in discussions with people such as the Islamic Republic, and if one of the guests says something that is a little to defend Israel, the moderator immediately takes him under the pressure of questions and twists him until he is completely in a bind.

I have been following these debates with curiosity for a while until Jiar Gul (BBC reporter), who was an expert in attacking Iran and suporting Israel, traveled to Israel after the bizarre Israeli attack on Iran two or three days ago, mocking Israel’s attack on Iran in that country, and also giving an interview with an Israeli government spokesman. This person, who is of Iranian origin (more than 90% of the present Jews are not original and their religion is Jews); and who speaks Persian thoroughly was completely disarmed in this interview outside the studio (in the open environment) and fell into such baseless nonsense that I had ever seen in less debate.

But was this way the BBC was strange and unexpected?

Why does the BBC do this?

Those who have read and understood my writing carefully must have understood the reason for this British act easily.

I wrote it earlier and said:

Zionist Jews took power from the kings of Europe in the last century and became world power. So they immigrated to the United States because there was no king there to rule over them, but rather these Jews themselves became kings without thrones.

For years now, Britain has been trying to return to world power, and in order to do so, it must take its revenge on the Zionist Jews, which means it must take power out of their hands. And Israel is a place to be demolished or even destroyed in the event of severe resistance.

And of course، in this way، from my book on Jesus Christ، which proved that he and his mother were not Jews، and that even the Bible stories and the instructions in the Bible were not from Jews؛ and my other writings are best used by some Christians.

The UK has the leadership of the Commonwealth (Canada, Australia, etc.) and if it can get a part of the United States (the break-up of the Americas), then it hopes to become the world’s top power again. So there is an open and covert war between England and the wealthy Jews in the West who own Israel.

Read more in my previous posts and articles.

April 22, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The Philosopher of the School

M. H. Baygan

Sweden, NATO, Poverty!

Sweden was accepted into NATO this week, but since a few months ago, the costs of joining this bellicose union caused most of the cultural budgets to be cut.

Most shocking of all was the cutoff of aid to Sweden’s large national cultural institutions (studjeförbund), which almost every powerfull political party also has. According to the officials of these institutions, they will be closed in the next one or two years.

This is still the beginning. Soon we will see below the poverty line.

But the owners of the weapons factories will be richer and happier. The money (people’s taxes) that should be spent on people, including cultural works, is paid to the owners of weapons factories. These devils, with false propaganda about the possibility of war and attack on Sweden, actually made Sweden fall into this trap of war and poverty.

Getting richer at the cost of poverty and people’s blood!

Once upon a time, these rulers should be brought to court, all their wealth should be taken and they should be imprisoned for the crime of killing people. For now, they are hiding behind the so-called elected governments, but these governments are actually their servants, and the responsibility for all these crimes lies with this small group of ruling capitalists.

March 14, 2024

Uppsala – Sweden

The philosopher of the school

M. Hassan Baygan